1. @Egon2688

    Just Listen

    Sound completely MAKES each story! Could you imagine telling a story or listening to a movie/story without any sound effects or noises about what’s occurring? It just wouldn’t make sense to not have sound. I know there is materials out there that do not have sound but, in my opinion, it is not as interesting.… Continue reading Just Listen
  2. @mgedney

    ds106 radio show ideas

    Coming up with an idea for a radio show is a little difficult because the topics are limitless. Since my list was pretty long, I just included my top three: ·  conspiracy theories: After listening to “Moon Graffiti”, I thought talking about other conspiracy theories would be super interesting. There are limitless
  3. @mgedney

    radio bumper

    To make my radio bumper, I downloaded audio from ccMixter and put it into Audacity. I chose this music because it was upbeat yet relaxing. Then, I came up with a short little phrase to remind the potential listeners that they are tuned into ds106 radio. I recorded it into
  4. @mgedney

    weekly summary five

    This fifth week was the most difficult for me. I didn’t know where to start, since I have never had any experience with creating and editing audio before. I downloaded Audacity for my three audio assignments and radio bumper, and it took a little bit of time to figure out
  5. @grace_long88

    My Radio Show

    If I have the right co-host I can honestly talk about anything for hours. But I have been thinking about what I would want to talk about on my radio show and I came up with a few ideas. Conspiracy Theories: I love talking about conspiracy theories with my friends.
  6. @KendraB999

    Radio Show Ideas

    The Impact of Social Media On People: This can go for people who use social media heavily, in a negative or positive way. The good side is that it allows some people to form better communication skills, learning, networking, express themselves and forms of creativity. This is how some people promote their businesses and can […]
  7. @wchiltonumw

    Meaningful Poem

    Right when I saw today’s daily create I knew what I was going to base it around. What better thing is there to make a poem about than DS 106 Radio. Classic poem tied in with what we have been working with in class…..doesn’t get much better than that.
  8. @HumIsDum

    Sounds from Another World

    by Thomas Pulsifer Countless mediums possess the potential for fascinating storytelling, and nothing proves this more than audio-based storytelling. Many may only consider audiobooks and nothing more when thinking of the storytelling capacity of audio, which is unfortunate, since there’s so much more than can be done with the medium. In Jab Abumrad’s videos aboutContinue reading "Sounds from Another World"
  9. @skyler0455

    ds106 radio

    Monday’s ds106 radio show was very interesting. It was not at all what I was expecting (although I didn’t really know what to expect haha). We listened to an analysis that reflected on climate change through using an old radio show. It demonstrated how sound art in the old radio show really illustrated the infrastructure […]
  10. @mgedney

    moon graffiti

    The Soundcloud story, Moon Graffiti, utilizes many audio storytelling techniques to execute a great conspiracy story based on Nixon’s speech “In Event of Moon Disaster”. Beginning with the radio static and clear distress of the impending crash grabs attention and puts the listener directly into the story. It was a

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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