1. estotz

    ā€œHow To ______ā€ Tutorial

    This is rather redundant. I’m going to do a How to complete “How to ______.” Here goes. To complete this assignment: THE FIRST STEP is to brainstorm a character from one of your favorite TV shows, or just a character in general that displays a particular personality trait more often than not. This is something ...
  2. estotz

    A Highlight Reel of Sorts

    In continuation of my final project, I have put together a few of my favorite scenes (some of the best scenes) from the first half of the first season of Archer. I think this will be a really effective way of recruiting a trainer for the ISIS space voyage, especially in combination with the posters ...
  3. estotz

    Assignment Ideas

    FIRST: “How To ________” For this design assignment, you will first need to pick one of your favorite persons from a tv show or movie–make sure it is someone with LOTS of character that displays their characteristics frequently. This is important; it should be something that defines them (i.e. Sterling Archer, from Archer). Next, create either ...
  4. estotz

    Destination: Danger Zone

    In order to help recruit a new trainer for ISIS (and the on-going space mission), I have created a series of design media. 1. Propaganda Poster This poster corresponds with the Propaganda Poster Assignment in the design assignment repository. I created it by taking a screenshot of this picture of Archer. In Photoshop, I carefully edited ...
  5. estotz

    Welcome to the DANGER ZONE

    Final Project Outline Archer and the gang from ISIS are planning a voyage to outer space in an effort to prevent a catastrophe on the International Space Station. Problem is, none of them have ever had the proper training. Thus, they are recruiting… in a rather obtuse manner for an International SECRET Intelligence Service. Regardless, they ...
  6. crystalrose0784

    Tutorials Summary

    Also to make it easier for my professor to access my work here, I’m posting a quick summary blog entry connecting the tutorials I’ve created this year. I did my tutorials for the two assignments I created, When Unicorns Explode and Inanimate Motion.  I pretty much just felt that if I was going to ask […]
  7. crystalrose0784

    Assignment Summary

    To help make it easier to find my assignments for my professor, I’ll go ahead and collect the two assignments I created this year into this one post (via link). Earlier in the semester, I submitted a Visual Assignment, When Unicorns Explode.  Honestly, I didn’t really know what I was doing when I created this […]
  8. Abigail Andrews

    My Final Project-Sophieā€™s Journey

    For my final project I decided to focus on my dog Sophie.  This story is about her journey getting lost outside and being able to find her way home.  For this project I then decided that to do 3 different kinds of assignments and put them into one video.  Before the story begins I want ...
  9. Abigail Andrews

    Final Weekly Summary-Week 15

    Final Project and reflection:  I am very pleased with my final project.  This final project took a lot of time and work, but I’m happy with how it turned out.  I focused on my dog Sophie.  The story is simple, Sophie goes on a walk by herself and gets lost, in the end though she finds ...
  10. ppatel2

    LAST Weekly Summary

    Final Project: For my final project I told a story about Winnie the Pooh’s journey in finding different types of Honey from around the world. He went to New Zealand, Norway, Greece, and Saudi Arabia. He found the most expensive honey in … Continue reading
  11. kmatthe2


    Here are my two tutorials One-This was from the redub the audio assignment. I really liked the redub and enjoyed planning it out! Two-NBC really sucks, and I think they’re blocking my content right now. But, this assignment is still … Continue Reading →
  12. crystalrose0784

    Inanimate Motion Tutorial

    For this assignment, it helps to begin with an overarching story in mind.Ā  I chose to do this assignment in a way that it would contribute to the story Iā€™m telling in my Final Project for ds106 ā€“ Spongebobā€™s Best Day Ever. So, I went digging through my kidsā€™ toys for inspiration.Ā  Ā  What kind ...
  13. crystalrose0784

    Donā€™t Mess With the Squarepants

    For my final project, Iā€™m working on a media mess of projects all about Spongebobā€™s Best Day Ever.Ā  I decided to create my own assignment for this to kick it off.Ā  Iā€™m going for incredibly cheesy and over-the-top, so I settled on this idea as a perfect fit. Picture this: Spongebobā€™s dancing along, whistling to ...
  14. crystalrose0784

    When Unicorns Explode Tutorial

    In order to complete this assignment and earn the star it says it’s worth, there are three options. 1)Ā  Make or take a picture that is a part of a story of something meaningful to you.Ā  Write up the full story, in the manner that I have done on this post, and include your photo ...
  15. dlefew

    Final Week Summary

    Final Project: This project was special as I morphed it into something that really brought back many great memories. I morphed my project into a story about a certain rednosed reindeer. There were really no surmountable tasks in this project as … Continue reading
  16. beauty_b_

    Assignment Ideas For DS106

    Here are the links to both of the blog post on my assignment ideas: Hit It YoutubeItYourWay Overall, I tried to make these assignment fun for future students and not to tedious. I wanted them to create something that could end up potentially being something that they enjoy. I tried to relate these assignment to […]
  17. beauty_b_

    Youtube It Your Way! Assignment Idea # 2

    Here is the link to the assignment: YoutubeItYourWay (Details about he assignment are on this page) Inspiration: For this assignment I was just simply inspired by the week when we learned how to use X-ray Goggles and learned all about Web Designing. I thought this would be a cool fun way for students to play […]
  18. beauty_b_

    Hit It! My First Assignment Idea for DS106

    Here is the link to the first assignment that I created for the class. Hit It (The details about this assignment are on this page) Inspiration: During the past few months I’ve noticed that funny pictures have become really popular on social networks, especially Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram. Inspired by this, I thought it would […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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