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  1. amiddlet50

    Feedback: where learning begins #activelearning

    While the title of this post is intentionally contentious, it allows me to reflect on one or two recent discussions and reinforce some key ideas about active learning design, especially in the context of ‘unified’ active learning (UAL): how it … Continue reading ?
  2. amiddlet50

    Curation as a pedagogy #activelearning

    This article considers the agency of the learner in an active learning context. It considers curation as an act of making; more than taking, the learner processes artefacts to discover new knowledge. Curation is an iterative learning activity of collecting, … Continue reading ?
  3. amiddlet50

    Space, walking and non-verbal communications #activelearning

    Learning walks are valuable conversational spaces. They tend to be non-confrontational and, for me, epitomise co-operative learning. Not only do they feel familiar spaces exemplifying a networked paradigm as people move naturally between small groups through the course of semi-structured … Continue reading
  4. amiddlet50

    Learning Spaces twilight walk on #ActiveLearning on Thursday – join us! #SpaceTwalk2020 #ALN

    This is a reminder that this Thursday from 4pm-6pm (UK) our Active Learning Network at Anglia Ruskin University is conducting a learning space walk (#SpaceTwalk2020) and we encourage you to join us from wherever you are – walking in parallel … Continue reading
  5. amiddlet50

    Space Walk #Twalk #ALN #activelearning

    Active Learning Network – Space Walk 16 January 2020, 16:00 – 18:00 GMT Our Active Learning Network satellite group will be taking part in a Space Walk at Anglia Ruskin University and we hope others in the sector will join … Continue reading
  6. amiddlet50

    Universal design and #activelearning

    Following on from the previous post on Decolonising the active curriculum, this post looks more closely at some of the seven principles of universal design to explore how they can inform the active learning space – its pedagogy and physical-digital … Continue reading
  7. amiddlet50

    Decolonising the active curriculum #activelearning

    This post considers the need to decolonise the active curriculum. It follows on from ideas considered in the previous post on embodiment which concluded that advocates and practitioners of active learning must look deeply at the meaning of being student-centred. … Continue reading
  8. amiddlet50

    Design for Active and Blended Learning

    I am reposting my blog post for the #LTHEchat tweetchat I led this evening. The tweetchat community is a fantastic forum of co-creativity and I very much value the knowledge that it always generates. Thanks all. The response tonight was as incredible … Continue reading
  9. amiddlet50

    Wrecking it with Brexit

    I’m sitting in a café on La Rambla in Barcelona following a couple of days participating in an international learning spaces summit in Barcelona (#ILS2019). (nb. I use ‘participating’ not ‘attending’) We are getting really close to Brexit now and … Continue reading
  10. amiddlet50

    Get active- watch TV

    My colleague Jason Williams at ARU’s DigiFest (#ARUDigifest) introduced our academics to Box of Broadcasts (BoB), a service provided by the British University’s Film & Video Council (BUFVC). The service provides access to 65 ‘free-to-air’ channels and their current and … Continue reading
  11. amiddlet50

    Co-creation and epistemic fluency – the real legacy of Web 2.0 and social media for learning

    Tomorrow’s professionals will require an enhanced capacity for collaboration, co-operation and creative thinking (Markauskaite and Goodyear, 2016). Mclaughlan & Lodge (2019) draw parallels between epistemic fluency and design thinking to position the design studio as a relevant pedagogical model with an … Continue reading
  12. amiddlet50

    Teaching ‘whole people’ holistically – understanding co-operative learning

    Andresen, Boud and Choen (2000) set out criteria for experience-based learning. The goal of experience-based learning involves something personally significant or meaningful to the students; Students should be personally engaged; Reflective thought and opportunities for students to write or discuss … Continue reading
  13. amiddlet50

    The core principles of co-production

    Co-production, as defined by Filipe et al. (2017), is “an exploratory space and a generative process that leads to different, and sometimes unexpected, forms of knowledge, values, and social relations.” It is more than a matter of ‘production’ being an outcome … Continue reading
  14. amiddlet50

    Product – co-production vs commodification as a site of learning

    Yesterday, I spent much of my time in meetings: one appraisal, one research-related, one project-related, and one a planning meeting. Coincidently, each of those four meetings required me to remind myself that an education is not, “A thing that can … Continue reading
  15. amiddlet50

    Noise annoys in the #activelearning classroom – or does it?

    Studies of Active Learning Classrooms (e.g. SCALE UP and Team-based Learning), and active learning more generally, identify noise and the ambient conditions of the classroom as being a distinguishing feature (Worthing, 2018). That active learning is noisy, is a truism, … Continue reading
  16. amiddlet50

    Discovery, gamification and loosely structured #activelearning

    Photo by Raul Petri on Unsplash Following my previous post on gamification and active learning, it is worth giving thought to the extent that effective learning is guided or scaffolded especially around ideas like discovery learning. While it is hard … Continue reading
  17. amiddlet50

    Gamification – a way to understand #activeleaning

    I have been interested in games-based learning and playful learning since the early 2000s when I came across J. P. Gee’s work and since leading work on creative development in academic practice. The Creative Development Team I was responsible for … Continue reading
  18. amiddlet50

    Table gallery for Media-Enhanced Teaching & Learning #activelearning #ARUengage

    I led three workshops at yesterday’s Engage Learning & Teaching conference at Anglia Ruskin University.. In one of them, I used the table gallery technique that I turn to frequently as a way to engage participants in topics where there … Continue reading

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