Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94877 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. amiddlet50

    Transparency, turbulence, ambiguity and uncertainty in #activelearning

    “One student’s safe uncertainty is another student’s chaotic nightmare.” (Orr & Shreeve, 2018) Based on research I conducted with others into student satisfaction of learning (Heaton et al., 2015), being clear with students about what is expected of them has … Continue reading ?
  2. amiddlet50

    Vertical and horizontal learning networks: implications for #active learning

    This presentation is useful for thinking about the difference between collaborative and co-operative learning. My interest in social media for learning, studio-based learning, and hybrid learning centres on how people work and learn together. They often return to ‘working alongside’ … Continue reading ?
  3. amiddlet50

    Crisis – what crisis? A time for academic innovation

    At Wonkfest I attended a panel session titled Changing the Culture of Changing the Culture in which Charlotte Summers, who is Head of Commercial Development at the RSA, referred to the RSA’s excellent Future Change Framework. Admittedly, I am a … Continue reading ?
  4. amiddlet50

    Conversation-base #activelearning – exploiting the differences between dialogue and debate

    Active learning is essentially conversational – a ‘to-ing and fro-ing’ of ideas, whether this is a collaborative exchange or personal cogitation and reflection. Pedagogically, there is a lot to exploit here. I was recently involved in a discussion about the … Continue reading ?
  5. amiddlet50

    Revisting the 5Cs to discover value for different times

    I have had an immense feeling of warmth and solidarity this evening as good thoughts and memories have been triggered by Sheila’s post on How Sheila Sees It ‘Bring your own device for learning or bringing learning to your device?’ … Continue reading ?
  6. amiddlet50

    Being part of something – having a sense of presence #activelearning

    The idea of ‘being’ is about presence and is central to an active learning philosophy. It reflects two things: personal identity and social presence in the learning environment. Lehman and Conceicao (2010) describe this as ‘being there’ and ‘being together’. … Continue reading ?
  7. amiddlet50

    Co-creation and epistemic fluency – the real legacy of Web 2.0 and social media for learning

    Tomorrow’s professionals will require an enhanced capacity for collaboration, co-operation and creative thinking (Markauskaite and Goodyear, 2016). Mclaughlan & Lodge (2019) draw parallels between epistemic fluency and design thinking to position the design studio as a relevant pedagogical model with an … Continue reading
  8. amiddlet50

    Product – co-production vs commodification as a site of learning

    Yesterday, I spent much of my time in meetings: one appraisal, one research-related, one project-related, and one a planning meeting. Coincidently, each of those four meetings required me to remind myself that an education is not, “A thing that can … Continue reading
  9. amiddlet50

    Active co-operativism for active learning

    This is a second post looking at the student’s role and the academic skills and dispositions needed for success in the active classroom. The first looked at active listening. Here, I suggest active co-operativism is an attitude and an ethos … Continue reading
  10. amiddlet50

    Active listening for active learning

    Active Listening sketchnote by Claudio Advocates of active learning must consider the active learning space from many perspectives. For example, I tend to think about space experientially, creating a picture in my own mind of a space that is used … Continue reading
  11. amiddlet50

    Promoting learner autonomy and the question of fail-safe strategies

    As an advocate of active learning, learner autonomy is never far from my thinking. The development of confident autonomous lifelong learners and intrinsically motivated self-determined graduates captures, for me, the primary purpose of a UK higher education. It is the … Continue reading
  12. amiddlet50

    Kitchen and studio-based learning

    The Great British Menu is back on UK television at the moment. I am not a fan of cooking programmes – though others are in my household – so, it’s on and inevitably I get caught up in it. Assessment … Continue reading
  13. amiddlet50

    A place for imagining – blue skies under the tree canopy

    Myself and a colleague have some difficult thinking to do this week. Exciting thinking, but difficult nevertheless. So, we could book out a teaching room lined with whiteboards for the day and see what happens, but that feels too ‘inward’ … Continue reading
  14. amiddlet50

    Friendship and the classroom

    I attended a seminar today given by my colleague Emma Heron. I was fortunate enough to mentor Emma through a year-long research project looking at the role of friendship in the student experience. It was good to catch up today … Continue reading

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