Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @angelk1208

    Final Reflection

    Throughout the semester, I realized that I improved on my photoshop editing skills. I also got better with taking photos in general by taking in the tips we learned. I’m way better at making GIFs, too! Now I can make cute ones or funny ones. The most challenging unit for me was definitely the Sound […]
  2. @angelk1208

    How To: Draco GIF

    One of the media pieces I made to include in the story is a GIF. I used the prompt, Been There from the Animated GIF Assignment Bank. The assignment said to create a GIF from a movie that shows a relatable emotion, expression, or moment. I chose this scene when Draco Malfoy was in distress […]
  3. @BensonKaylie

    Final Weekly Summary

    Well folks… we did it! Welcome to the last weekly summary. Such a bittersweet feeling. via GIPHY The final project for this class was a fun way to stretch your brain, and use all the information and tools we learned these past 5 weeks! For my story, I turned the classic Little Mermaid story, and put a space-popstar-sad twist on it! I used a visual design element, an audio element, and a video element in my final project. I made posters, some audio clips, a gif, and a video! This was the final product: Ursula won this round… via GIPHY I also created How-To posts on how I did all my media, one for the posters, the vocals for Ariel, the dream sequence, and the gif. And for anyone who now has the song stuck in your head, here you go… When I was done with the project, I took a moment to reflect on this class, what I learned, what I would do differently next time, and what my favorite/least favorite parts were! I’m sad this class is over, I really did enjoy every part of it. I guess all I can say is…so long… farewell… via GIPHY Catch you on the flip side, 106ers! via GIPHY
  4. @BensonKaylie

    DS106 reflection

    This class, Digital Storytelling, was one that I had been waiting to take since I was a freshman. I was extremely excited to start! The one real regret I have about taking this class, is that I wish I was able to do it during a full semester, not a...
  5. Tom Woodward

    Baby Snarf

    This is a ridiculous thing. It came into my head the other day and it amused at least a few of my children . . . once I explained what Snarf was. I plan to make ridiculous things more often. I initially had it up on SoundCloud but they took it down after a few hours as a copyright violation. Rather than fighting them about what my rights are, I’m just putting it up on my own site. Then I couldn’t find a decent1 Snarf gif on Giphy so I made one of those too. Nothing fancy in either case but this is the kind of useless, amusing things that I really like about digital media and the Internet. Consider it the opposite of surveillance capitalism. 1 The new Snarf is super creepy.
  6. @BreeNicholson14

    Reading Movies

    This task was about reading about and responding to some suggestions by Ebert about motion pictures. For the two videos I watched, I watched Kubrick // One-Point Perspective and Examples of Editing Techniques I found these both to be really informative as they helped me to understand the basic of what type of videos I…
  7. @angelk1208

    Weekly Summary 4

    I’m going to be real for a second, I feel like I’ve been in a slump this week. But worry not, I was able to finish everything for this week! For starters, I learned about “reading” movies. I looked more into the editing/filming techniques. Though I learned that in one of my assignments, I misused […]

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