Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94877 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. amiddlet50

    Ritual in the learning environment

    In this post I explore what is meant by ritual in relation to the teaching and learning experience and, as we reset our post-pandemic classrooms, why we should care. Given that there is little obligation to care, beyond a notion … Continue reading ?
  2. amiddlet50

    Transparency, turbulence, ambiguity and uncertainty in #activelearning

    “One student’s safe uncertainty is another student’s chaotic nightmare.” (Orr & Shreeve, 2018) Based on research I conducted with others into student satisfaction of learning (Heaton et al., 2015), being clear with students about what is expected of them has … Continue reading ?
  3. amiddlet50

    Vertical and horizontal learning networks: implications for #active learning

    This presentation is useful for thinking about the difference between collaborative and co-operative learning. My interest in social media for learning, studio-based learning, and hybrid learning centres on how people work and learn together. They often return to ‘working alongside’ … Continue reading ?
  4. amiddlet50

    Space, walking and non-verbal communications #activelearning

    Learning walks are valuable conversational spaces. They tend to be non-confrontational and, for me, epitomise co-operative learning. Not only do they feel familiar spaces exemplifying a networked paradigm as people move naturally between small groups through the course of semi-structured … Continue reading
  5. amiddlet50

    Universal design and #activelearning

    Following on from the previous post on Decolonising the active curriculum, this post looks more closely at some of the seven principles of universal design to explore how they can inform the active learning space – its pedagogy and physical-digital … Continue reading
  6. amiddlet50

    Decolonising the active curriculum #activelearning

    This post considers the need to decolonise the active curriculum. It follows on from ideas considered in the previous post on embodiment which concluded that advocates and practitioners of active learning must look deeply at the meaning of being student-centred. … Continue reading
  7. amiddlet50

    Co-creation and epistemic fluency – the real legacy of Web 2.0 and social media for learning

    Tomorrow’s professionals will require an enhanced capacity for collaboration, co-operation and creative thinking (Markauskaite and Goodyear, 2016). Mclaughlan & Lodge (2019) draw parallels between epistemic fluency and design thinking to position the design studio as a relevant pedagogical model with an … Continue reading
  8. amiddlet50

    Blogging as a site of embodiment, co-production and enculturation

    In this post I look at blogging as a studio space by reflecting on how and why I blog. A study of studio is a study of embodiment: the “embodied occupational engagement in constructing meaning [and how] the occupations in … Continue reading

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