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  1. @CadillacezMedia


    熊猫娱乐app-当代张伯伦?最强前锋被爆每天约妹!多人运动  各大联赛重启时间都还没确定,教主借着这个机会,最近几天熬夜回忆了一代人的青春——《篮球火》。虽说这部剧的造型、动作都很夸张,甚至现在看来有...
  2. @CadillacezMedia

    ????app-??????4?23?? ???

    熊猫娱乐app-中新网多伦多4月23日电 加拿大中新网多伦多4月23日电 加拿大阿尔伯塔针灸中医学院、北美中医药发展促进中心、阿尔伯塔华佗健康协会近日联袂万方医学网和江西中医药大学,共同举办“热敏灸防...
  3. Downes

    Kitty Teeth

    April 22, 2020. This was actually late last night but I wanted to share it. We have kittens just coming of age and need to schedule The Operation for them. The vet needed to be sure they were old enough, so she asked us to send a photo of their teeth. ...
  4. @carrie_vogel

    I Ran Out…

    I can’t believe it almost, my first set of face masks all sold out! There were not too many of them but enough that they sold quickly. I have more supplies on the way to make more, shipping is the longest part. My Etsy shop has received many many views...
  5. @samprice_ds106

    Final Summary: Final Project

    I guess this is my last blog post for this class. It’s kinda sad. I’ve really enjoyed this class and all the assignments we’ve done and all that I’ve learned. I definitely had the most fun with this final project though. It incorporated a bunch of the skills I’ve used throughout the semester which was super fun. Here was my process: I started with taping up a sheet in my living room to use as a backdrop for the close-up shots. I then had my boyfriend help me film all the clips using a tripod and iPhone attachment. We had […]
  6. Downes

    Snow and Cedar

    April 21, 2020. Couple of meetings, ethics paper and newsletter. It snowed today. Bleah. To get my revenge, I scheduled my annual bicycle tune-up.
  7. caramcclure27

    Assistir ?? ??? ????? filmes – HD – Dublado Online 2009

    Assistir ?? ??? ????? 2009  filmes s online completos em Portuguese ou Brasil?? ??? ????? assistir filme online vip tv online Filmes Completos Gratis - Filmes Online - Assistir ?? ??? ????? filmes – HD – Dublado Online 2009 (2009) Assistir Filme Completo Online Grátis de filmes grátis, Filmes Completos Gratis , Chame a Família e Assista com Nós Milhares de Filmes Onlines Grátis em Qualidade HD,
  8. @madelinek106

    Week 5 online update

    During week 5 I finished my methodology project. I was really happy with how it turned out. This was my favorite project to work on so far in DGST. I also met with Profesor Whalen and talked about my domain. I still have to add screenshots of my projects on my digital portfolio page. It was another week […]

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