Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @V20Kai

    Aaaaaaaand Action!

    Week 2 of quarantine and I’m still going strong! I know many other people are struggling with it, but thankfully this DS106 this week has been a great way to keep busy and get our creative juices flowing. Despite how easily my laptop dies editing videos, I do have to say that this week has […]
  2. @V20Kai

    Jeanie and the Boy

    After watching a few “Every Frame a Painting” videos, I have to say, I find them very insightful and addicting to watch! It made me see movie and show scenes differently. Especially as someone who likes to edit videos, they gave a lot of insight and advice into what makes good editing. For the video […]
  3. @samprice_ds106

    Week 10 Summary

    This was a pretty easy week in terms of work load for this class, which I was super thankful for considering the work is piling up in my other classes. I did have a lot of fun doing the work for the week though! I started off the week doing some research on the video editing process by watching the videos that were put up on the Weekly Assignments. I really felt like I learned a lot from watching all the videos and really enjoyed creating a video critique of my own. I decided to choose the ending scene from […]
  4. jaspreet123

    Assignment #7

    The COV-19 pandemic has altogether stopped the normal functioning of life and has made people self-quarantine themselves with nowhere to go and with nothing to do. This has impacted people of various lifestyles such as; Students, people that work, parents, the homeless, etc. This pandemic has impacted my semester so far by making us stay … Continue reading "Assignment #7"
  5. Mary.Ncity

    Corona Scare

    Upon my thoughts of the recent pandemic that has plagued our nation and other nations as well, the first thing I thought about whenever I heard about the Corona Virus was the apocalypse was near. My mind leans to this thought because as old horror movies would demonstrate of a deadly disease, there would always … Continue reading "Corona Scare"
  6. Downes


    March 25, 2020. I took this mid-afternoon by the Nation River just outside Casselman on lunch-hour bike ride. Until this point I was planning to talk about the tens of thousands of geese I saw along the way.

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