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  1. @mto_morgan

    Week 4 Summary

    Wow what a week. I have not experienced too much of photoshop before but I sure did this week! All my daily creates can be found below: All my assignments and blogs for the week can be found at this link: Overall, I learned a good bit about some of the visual editing software out there. I personally really […]
  2. @mto_morgan

    My Experience in Photography

    My experience in photography mainly comes from using my phone. I do have a crop sensor DSLR, but I have not had the inspiration to use it a whole lot. I personally love to take photos of the landscape. More specifically, I like taking pictures of the mountains. I love to go hiking so the photography aspect plays in nicely. […]
  3. @V20Kai

    Photo Phrenzy

    What a week! The tips on Becoming a Better Photographer really got me thinking about being more intentional about the photos I take. Of course, it will be a work in progress. I started out Week 4 with a daily create asking what ice cream flavor we’d be and why. I initially took a quiz […]
  4. @V20Kai

    Photography Phanatic?

    During high school, I would see my friends post aesthetic photos, but every time I tried to emulate them, they never turned out as well as I’d like. When I went on a trip to Europe with the arts school I attended, I took many pictures of the landscape and towns, but when I look […]
  5. @V20Kai

    Blitz Blastin’

    Today I finally got around to photoblitz, and here is the list of tasks I was assigned to do along with the pictures and my thought process: (1) Fabric: we wear it, sleep on it, decorate with it. An interesting cloth design or texture. For this picture, I did a selfie focusing on the sleeve […]
  6. @V20Kai

    Everyday Value

    As I scrolled through my camera roll for this visual assignment (2 stars), I found this picture from my landing flight into Akita, Japan after my 3-day weekend trip to Tokyo in late November. It’s a pretty bad picture, but I thought it caught Akita’s rural beauty just right. I did the best I could […]

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