1. emorelleum

    And the Dust Settles

    This week and the week before had slightly fewer assignments going around than previous weeks, so it was slightly more challenging finding good posts to comment on. Nonetheless, given my schedule, how things (random ranting+complaining that the average reader would care less about)…I am trying to stay a little more on top of things. Normally, […]
  2. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Blair is signing

      For this assignment I had to pretend that I knew a little sign language.  I looked up a few YouTube videos to make sure I was signing some what correctly.  I thought that this assignment would be a great way to introduce my host character Blair to video.  Blair is SUPER shy, hence the […]
  3. scottc1094

    Video Essay- Bride of Frankenstein

    For our video essay this week, I decided to look at a scene in the Bride of Frankenstein. This is a movie that I had watched for a separate DS106 assignment several weeks ago.   The scene that I reviewed is when Frankenstein first meets the bride, and her eventual rejection of him. The original scene in… Read More
  4. catalinardeg

    Radio Remix

    Wow, this is a late blog, but I do have a lot to say! So this radio show was the first audio assignment that I’ve really tackled. Luckily, my group members were on it. We created a Google doc which made communication a lot easier. We wrote out a script, and from there, we each … Continue reading Radio Remix
  5. scottc1094

    Week 10 Daily Creates

    This week I completed two daily creates. I made up a tongue twister, @ds106dc Edward entered the empty embassy and eagerly enabled the alarm. #tdc1386 #ds106 — Scott Clower (@scottc1094) October 25, 2015 and I showed off a picture of my happy place. @ds106dc This view is my happy place #tdc1388 #ds106 pic.twitter.com/DboRDiUCYQ — Scott… Read More
  6. scottc1094

    Surfing Compilation

    Assignment (3 stars) You may be surprised to learn that when Edward Creeper is not busy hosting his show, he enjoys spending time at the beach catching the waves. The follow short video is a compilation of different surfers showing off their skills   To complete this assignment, I first found several different surfing videos… Read More
  7. nforknal


    Missing. Please help!     This was created as part of the daily create.  I created the poster by hand on printer paper, then I scanned the poster and viola! After scanning it and taking pictures of it, I decided... Continue Reading →
  8. scottc1094

    Edward Wishes he was in Australia

    Assignment (3 stars) The follow short video showcases the scenery of Australia, which is somewhere Edward Creeper has always wanted to go.   To complete this assignment, I first found several images of Australia on Google, and downloaded them into iMovie. I then found the song ‘Down Under’ by Men at Work on YouTube, and… Read More
  9. silverember

    Contra Clickbait 2015-10-25 22:26:00

    "I won't let you be my next regret."I jam the shovel into the cool October earth. The rusted metal scrapes rocks, and the sound sets my teeth on edge. Hefting, I manage a scoopful of wet dirt and dump it on his chest, earthworms and all.He laughs drunk...
  10. scottc1094

    Tyrod Taylor Highlight Reel

    Assignment (5 stars) For this assignment, we had to find an athlete that we like and make a highlight reel of them, along with adding music and an intro. The following video is of Tyrod Taylor, who was a Virginia Tech quarterback, before being drafted to play for the Baltimore Ravens. He did not see… Read More
  11. feliciads106

    Character Description

    I choose this four-star assignment since it related to my character in the radio show, The Clown. I picked the movie Pennywise the Clown since the clown is in the movie. It was a creepy movie that scary a lot of people. This assignment was hard since I have no clue how to do it. […]
  12. ewindley

    Week 10 Summary

    This week is videodrome and we had two choices this week, we could work together as a group again and create a video assignment or do work from the video assignment bank.  I chose to do work from the assignment bank because the time commitment for working in a group is problematic for me right … Continue reading Week 10 Summary
  13. ewindley

    Video Essay

    I created this video essay on the escape scene from the Shawshank Redemption movie Directed by Frank Darabont and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.  I got my clip from youtube.com.  The scene is dominated by the character expressions and the camera shots that capture the emotions of what’s going on at that moment.  The … Continue reading Video Essay
  14. ewindley

    Highlights Reel

    This week we are doing assignments from the Video Assignment category.  I chose this one which was to create a video highlight reel for your favorite sports player.  I like baseball and the Washington Nationals player, Bryce Harper is certainly interesting to watch.  I took some clips I found online on Google Images and using … Continue reading Highlights Reel

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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