1. ewindley

    Week 8 Summary

    This week was a group project week.  I am a member of Group 4 along with Scott Clower, Felicia Liu, and Rebecca Reverco (Gussie).  We took our group radio show name from Scott’s host character Edward Creepy.  We made Edward Creepy the host of the radio show.  For the show Edward interviews two movie critics … Continue reading Week 8 Summary
  2. adyke

    Week 8 Summary

    This week my radio show group met up and finished the radio show. Right before we met up for the last time I wrote an update that you can read here.  You can listen to our finished radio show on ds106 radio and you can also listen on soundcloud. I also made three daily creates: … Continue reading Week 8 Summary
  3. ewindley

    Radio Show Update

    Last week went great our group formed, met, created a googledocs, shared ideas, agreed on a show format and assigned roles.  All was good with the world of DS106 team assignment. We started out strong and then ran into a speed bump.  Everyone recorded their individual show content, shared the scripts on googledocs, and submitted … Continue reading Radio Show Update
  4. emorelleum

    WWII Back in the day…

    Now listen here, in the Great War, some days you rode the tanks, and some days the tanks rode you. We almost bit off more than we could chew on D-Day, and had things gone a little differently, our Red Cross Parcels might have started including water wings. People forget that storming and shooting wasn’t […]
  5. cherishamari

    Week 8

    Thankfully this week is over, and luckily it wasn’t too horrible. Just finally glad we got the radio show done and out the way. I don’t have much to say this week, its been a tiresome one at the least. Untill next time. 10 more comments this week Radio show progress part 2 this weeks […]
  6. cherishamari

    Horrible hosts (radio show)

    Here is our finished product the “Horrible Hosts” presents…. our theme was horror movies, everyone had to describe their perfect scary movie. For me it was a little hard seeing I hate scary movies. But it got done needless to say.
  7. cherishamari

    This weeks daily creates

    This week we were asked to do at least 3 daily creates, below I have a short explanation of my daily creates. Daily create 1: We were asked to make a video telling a short story of something that is good for us. I chose listening to music while driving, some may say its distracting […]
  8. audyg1rl

    Weekly Summary

    This week was pretty easy, especially after I was able to figure out the Audacity software. I think I did really well this week with everything, I made it through the week without any troubles. Even though my radio show group and I were having communication problems we made it through and everything was finished. … Continue reading Weekly Summary
  9. ahardy2


    https://michaelbleb.wordpress.com/2015/10/16/2-of-my-favorite-people/comment-page-1/#comment-1 http://catscarnival.com/daily-create/the-mood-today-is-calm/#comment-322 http://catscarnival.com/creative-assignments/wallpaper-design/ http://ds106.gabbychr...
  10. gabatron15

    Daily Creates Week 8

    As I did last week I thought that by putting all of the daily creates in one post would make it a ton easier for everyone to view! On Tuesday, I had to use a word from one of my favorite poem or saying and from there create a new poem. I came up with […]
  11. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Daily Creates

        http:// #tdc1377 @ds106dc https://t.co/OlEwNVL77e I would of loved to be a teen in the 90s pic.twitter.com/G5uHM19TOo — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) October 16, 2015 http:// @ds106dc #tdc1375 hosted my first thirty one party tonight #addicting pic.twitter.com/mLFZPcOuat — Alexis Zirpmoulis (@azirpmoulis) October 15, 2015 http:// @ds106dc #tdc1376 my lucky day will be the day that […]
  12. gabatron15

    Radio Show Progress Week 2

    Wow I can’t believe that it is already the second week into the radio show and everything is coming together! This week has gone by so quickly mainly because of fall break so it was like hitting the ground running when it came to putting this radio show together. We had already met up the […]
  13. audyg1rl

    Week 2 progress

    This week we managed to get pretty much everything done. It wasn’t a very difficult week since there wasn’t much that we had to do. Everyone in my group got their segments in for the audio show, and it was put together by a member of my group, who did a very good job. Earlier … Continue reading Week 2 progress
  14. scottc1094

    Week 8 Summary

    This week was all about our radio show, and we spent most of our time working on writing a script, and recording our lines so that they could be combined and edited for the finished product. To summarize our radio show, I put up a post for our week 2 progress update. This week, I… Read More
  15. scottc1094

    Week 8 comments

    This week I commented on 10 different posts, which are linked below. http://assilemarim.net/thoughts-and-ideas/radio-show-week-2-progress/ http://serentopia.com/radio-show/radio-show-progress-part-2/ http://theaaronadventure.com/assignments/radio-show-...
  16. kmgeckle

    Ending Week 8

    This week actually went by really quickly! Unfortunately I’ve been sick for most of it, but I’m hoping to get over that soon. Fortunately it didn’t mess too much with getting my work done. It did get done a bit...
  17. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Weekly Summary

    This week was pretty much a breeze for me! I was pretty stressed out at the beginning of last week just because I have been dreading this radio show assignment the whole semester. I absolutely hate working in any type of group projects because I always feel that I am the one picking up the […]
  18. scottc1094

    The Edward Creeper Show Progress Update #2

    This week, my teammates and I were hard at work creating the Edward Creeper Show. The show is run by my character Edward Creeper, and we will be discussing different horror movies. My group members will be movie critics, and will be discussing the good, bad, and ugly of each movie. I believe that this… Read More
  19. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Comments for days……..

    http://kaitlinmarie.net/radioshow/radio-show-progress-week-2/#comment-495 http://catscarnival.com/daily-create/lucky-day/#comment-311 http://serentopia.com/radio-show/radio-show-progress-part-2/#comment-110 http://ds106.emorelleum.com/dc/a-day-in-the-...
  20. Alexis Zirpmoulis

    Progress Week #2

    Progress, progress, progress… it’s all about progress! I feel like my group (3rd millennium horror countdown) did an awesome job on our group radio assignment. We all communicated mainly through email and it was a great way of communication for all of us. Unlike most groups, we were able to do EVERYTHING totally online and […]
  21. gcaron

    Week 2 Progress

    I am actually surprised in how this week went and how we all communicated to figure things out. I usually hate group projects but I think my group worked well together. We began by sorting out the normal things like  name and ideas. We each also named some facts about ourselves to get to know […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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