Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Didn’t realize that so far I have made over 70 posts on this blog. Here are the posts from this week that contributed to that number. Daily Creates @ds106dc #tdc1923 — Daniel Z (@UMWdan) April 14, 2017 @ds106dc #tdc1921 Here's a rainbow trout I …
Week 12 had a lot of assignments as part of it, but it was actually fairly easy when compared to the past few weeks. At first I thought coming up with mash ups and remixes was going to be hard, but the assignment descriptions this week were very helpful and coming up with ideas was … Continue reading Week 12
Archives @ds106dc Always wanted to go to #Hogwarts sadly, my letter never arrived #tdc1916 — Krystal Heflin (@k_heflin) April 8, 2017 @ds106dc #tdc1920 — Krystal Heflin (@k_heflin) April 11, 2017
This week was cool, I enjoyed the mashups. I wish I was better and more ambitious about the video mashups, but I don’t have a great grasp on it, or a great software choice. So I stuck with images, which I really enjoy fiddling with. My daily creates are here: @ds106dc #tdc1923 — Kevin … Continue reading "Sleuth Summary 12"
Two of my favorite Tom Hanks movies, Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan. I decided to do these two movies because I feel like Tom Hanks is compared in both of these movies even though they are completely different and he has completely different rolls in each film. To make this movie poster I found …
This remix was just really funny to me. I personally don’t like cats much, which made it cringe worthy to me, and in addition to that, I hate lime-green and sappy quotes. Not a big Shakespeare guy. This was really simple to make, but still fun as always. I first searched for some short Shakespeare … Continue reading "REEEEEMIX"
This is tutorial on how to make a product review. Here is my original product review. This assignment may seem a little difficult if you think you need to do everything with one take and talk in front of the camera. Good news! You don’t have to. This assignment can be broken down into two …
This photo was taken while at a top secret spy meeting. This is my colleague, Agent 00009. This shot of him is currently classified and is by no means allowed to be seen by any outsider of the organization for fear of recognition. During this picture, we were discussing the potential outcomes and risks associated … Continue reading "Spy Emoji Mashup"
These two logo mashups were great. The North Face is one of many people’s, including my own, favorite brands and is known for it’s really simple text logo. The cliff logo is from Prudential Financial and is also relatively clean and simple. Choosing all black made things really simple and made the overall design and … Continue reading "Consumer Mashup"
The Movie Mashup is a fairly simple assignment, but how complicated you make is entirely up to you. You can go in whatever direction you want with this assignment. With mine, I went with the theme of our semester of ds106: spies. You’ll want to choose two movies that could fit together believably enough on … Continue reading Movie Mashup Tutorial
In this remixed assignment I took an older post of mine where I made a minimalist poster and then hid waldo somewhere. The remix details can be found here, while the original poster assignment can be found here. Because this assignment was minimalist, it is very hard to hide something, let alone a man dressed …
In this blog post I will be going over how to use a neat tool called X-Ray Goggles. They allow you to edit the html and websites and edit the content to whatever you want and you can save your edited html to a local version. You will need to download the browser Firefox because …
Originally, my family and I are from Cleveland and we’re all into sports. So naturally, I knew which couple of teams I could pick from for this assignment. This logo is the Cleveland Cavaliers sword logo, mashed up with the Cleveland Browns name and colors. Turned out really cool actually! I was surprised. I would … Continue reading "Logo Mashup"
This remixed assignment can be found here. I had done the assignment on poor font choices previously and that can be found here. This was to take it up a notch and create a presentation that breaks all the rules. It was heartbreaking. This is the presentation The presentation was made on google slides so …
Daily Creates: Saying ‘thank you’ to something in the internet in different languages, so naturally, I thanked Google Translate. @ds106dc #tdc1922 #ds106 we've all been there — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) April 13, 2017 Daily create 2 Will always take opportunities to bash the Bee Movie @ds106dc #tdc1923 the message may not be BS, but …
For my tutorial, I’m presenting how to use my go-to digital design platform; Canva. Dubbed “the poor man’s Photoshop” (by me), Canva has many useful features and is easily accessible because it is done on the internet rather than an application. After you go to and login using Facebook or something, it’ll take you …
For the remix assignment, I remixed the Dream Vacation Pinterest assignment. The remix card I got said “Uncle Bob: Introduce an unexpected character into your assignment, someone as strange or unexpected as your Uncle Bob.” So, I added more pins to my board that were unexpected. My old board of my Dream Vacation had places … Continue reading Dream Vacation (With Some Help from Uncle Bob)
This week’s assignments were pretty fun, especially since I now know the basics of utilizing iMovie. I did have to learn new skills within iMovie when I created the instructional video. While the process took a while to complete, they were feasible. I am really glad that I had the experience to learn iMovie through this class; I now realize …
This was my first ever instructional video, and I must say, it turned out very well! I decided to create an instructional video by placing subtitles to the video so that the viewers can learn much easier. Seeing visual representation is very helpful for me so I figured that it would be the same for future ds106ers. I added the …
The week has finally come to an end! Furthermore, this week was all about mashups and remixes. I commented throughout the week on various post. This week I had to do 12 stars worth of mashup assignments. I always avoided the mashup bank in fear that it would be hard but I was surprised when […]