1. @CeliaSdigitally

    Radio Show Progress ā€“ Who is Bob Ross?

    My group for the radio show decided that over spring break, we would work on getting interviews for the discussion aspect of our radio show. We asked people to send us an audio recording back answering specific questions that we thought would spark conversation. Over the course of this week, we have been editing our ā€¦ Continue reading Radio Show Progress ā€“ Who is Bob Ross?
  2. @aliboo1432

    Radio Show Week 2

    My group and I have made progress this week and have decided who will complete each task in the radio show. I will be working on the editing while my other two partners plan the commentary incorporated into the show. We are collecting several different audios from various people, and I am planning on puttingā€¦ Continue reading Radio Show Week 2
  3. @Bendire Thrasher

    Hot Air Balloon Sing-Along Anyone?

  4. @Tillysisland

    Week 7

    To begin the week, we took a look at Colab, learning a bit more Python to create a Magic 8 Ball. Ultimately, the code is quite simplistic and understandable, but the real fun comes with inserting custom responses. For my 8 Ball, Iā€™ll admit I approached it a bit immaturely
  5. @aliboo1432

    Weekly Summary #7

    This week got me very excited because my group and I decided what we wanted to do with our radio show. We had the idea of asking individuals a series of questions that correlate to how Bob Ross has impacted their life/society. This weekā€™s daily creates were super simple and fun to play around withā€¦ Continue reading Weekly Summary #7

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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