1. janus ajax

    The last one!


    My final video! Huzzah!

    I made my final video a combination of stop motion and video. I wanted to do this as a way to revisit some of the things in my other two videos and re executing what I learned.The stop motion portion went much faster than the first time and I was better able to gauge how much movement to put between each picture instead of having to cut out several pictures. 

    Putting together the different pictures and segments was much faster than previously. This is due to the fact that I was more familiar with how to do what I wanted in Imovie rather than having to guess and play around. 

    The thing that made this video more interesting to me was that I tried to give it a bit of a narrative by using text. My other two videos play more like music videos. Using the text created a little more of a “point” to the video rather than just watch. 

    Of course copyright law of music problems. Youtube wouldn’t let my original video play due to the music I chose to be background. Instead of fighting with the video to make it play I just swapped out the background music. I like both songs and the change wasn’t difficult to make. 

    All done! Time for audio.

  2. ajaweston

    Video Three: "The Surprise"

    My final film, "The Surprise," is a video with a twist ending. I suggest that you watch the video right now to figure out what the surprise actually is, before I spoil it for you.I initially wanted this to be a video without people, and just a mural th...
  3. bridghi

    My final video

    Per usual, I was procrastinating making my last video for this class. I was completely out of ideas and so in class I asked Samantha to help me brainstorm. She was also trying to think of a third video idea. We started talking about our professional te...
  4. bridghi

    Video #2

    My second video was a lot of fun to make, even though the finished product is kind of ridiculous and doesn't look the way I imagined it to at all. When I was brainstorming about videos to make, I knew I wanted to use my volleyball team in one because t...
  5. bridghi

    My first video…

    For my first video, I was really unsure of what I wanted to make. I knew I wanted to do some sort of supercut, but I didn't know of what. I was sitting down with my roommate one night brainstorming on content, and we were watching my favorite show, Gir...
  6. denardr0016

    Video 3: My Morning Start

    For my final video project I couldn’t figure out what to do. I didn’t want to do something I had already done and I was tired of looking online for random content to piece together so I decided to create my own content. I decided to do a stop-motion animation of my morning start. Process: … Continue reading
  7. tpcm


    I finally completed my final video! Such a relief to have all of them done, although I did have fun and learned a lot along the way. Most importantly, I learned that I love to edit videos...hopefully something I can/will keep doing in the future.This v...
  8. kmof1992

    My Friends iPhone Stop Motion – Third Video

    Most of the explanation is at the beginning of the video. I was thinking of video ideas and scrolling through my iPhone 5 when I saw all these pictures in my phone. See, the iPhone takes pictures so quickly that when you put them together, they can make a little movie.Apple AT&T 16GB White iPhone 5 Wireless Cellular Phone - 69301 (Google Affiliate Ad) So I imported all the images into Final
  9. eitantal

    Video # 3

    Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of my favorite shows of all time. I knew I wanted to make a video involving clips from Larry David however it took me some time to figure out what exactly I wanted to do. After seeing a fictional movie trailer for ...
  10. thirstytony

    Umich Silent Film…kind of..

    Video Project 3…I am finished. And this one was the most fun for sure. The original idea was that I would make a video in a way so that you could follow a normal umich student (if there is such a thing) on their normal day. In the end I used footage from several days ...
  11. thirstytony

    Video Project 2 (Soccer Shoe Review)

    Video in video, music, slow motion, fast motion, transitions. Sounds simple. It is not! Trust me. I spent many, many and many more hours on this than expected (I know that Rob Hess told us today that everybody was saying that, but this took way too long). I am very happy with the final product ...
  12. bsosnik

    3rd Video: Jaws Trailer

    I began my third and final video with the idea of taking an iconic scene and using effects and modifications to make it something new.  The idea was to go along the lines of the Star Wars silent movie scene we saw at the beginning of the video section.  The first scene that popped into ...
  13. tpcm

    W E E K L Y . R E V I E W – 2 . 1 8 . 1 3

    This week somehow flew right by me, but the weekend lasted forever. Exactly what I like :). Some exciting new additions this week, including my second video for class! Here's all the good stuff I did:Daily Create - Something NewDaily Create - My Sticki...
  14. pborisov

    Status Update: Feb. 11th to Feb. 17th

    Things are going well. I set up a better lighting environment for filming personal responses to videos. I used it in the two videos I posted this week. I don’t have reflectors, but walls do just as well. With regards to the goals I laid out earlier in the class, things are on track. I’ve ...
  15. ajaweston

    Weekly Summary Post

    Flickr User cseemanThis week's completed assignments:Video #2Three Daily CreatesThis was a fairly relaxed week, then again there is no such thing as a week at the University of Michigan that is void of challenges. I actually finished my second video pr...
  16. janus ajax

    Second Video Squirrels


    Squirrels. The Ann Arbor Squirrel. I thought it would be fun to make a music video using video of Ann Arbor Squirrels. Collecting the video was rather time consuming as I had to wait for nice days when the squirrels would be out. The interesting part of this was simply always carrying a camera on me so that if I spotted a squirrel I could capture it. Getting video of animals in their natural habitat is rather difficult. Unlike making the stop motion which was rather controlled, I had no control over how my subjects were going to move or what they were going to do. 

    I capture the video of the squirrels over several days. Uploading them to my computer and using Imovie was pretty quick. It was interesting manipulating actual video clips in imovie which I haven’t done until now. Imovie gets some getting used to since the effects I was looking for weren’t where I though they would be put if figured it out.

    The overall reasoning for this video was to manipulate video instead of having stills. I like how it turned out also soundtrack is awesome. Squirrels + Mulan is a good idea.

    Lastly, youtube and I have a love hate relationship. I discovered that my second video was automatically set to private which I hadn’t realized until today so I switched it to public. Minor technical difficulties, but this is nothing new. Had fun!

  17. ajaweston

    Three Daily Creates

    Let's get this triple Daily Create action going!Daily Create #1 Directions: Take a picture of something you made. Daily Create #2 Directions: Take a picture of something, cut it up and piece it back together in a different way.Daily Crea...
  18. bridghi

    Summary of Week 6

    This week I didn't make that many changes to my blog. I'm in the process of finishing up the video section of the course, and I'm working on my 3 videos due this upcoming Wednesday as well as my section of the Beardfish video. Other than that, this wee...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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