1. Tyler Crump

    Wise words coming to life

    As I mentioned before, I have been looking over the video assignments for a few weeks now and another project that caught my attention was the kinetic typography. These look like a lot of fun to make but so far while actually trying to do the project myself I’ve hit some snags. It just goes ...
  2. Tyler Crump

    Silent anime

    I’ve actually been looking into some of these video assignments since spring break, and one that peaked my interest most of all was the Return to the Silent Era assignment. Now of course there has been silent film cartoons before but as far as I know there hasn’t been any silent film anime. In anticipation ...
  3. James Cruz

    Analyze a Movie

    The movie I have chosen to analyze is the Dark Knight. I was looking through the list of AFI’s top 100 movies and I was going to use an older movie like Casablanca or something along those lines but I thought it would be more suitable to analyze a more … Continue reading
  4. Feng

    Week 8 of daily creates

    TDC70 image: Windows, gates, & doors represent the lineal state between two realities. Photograph that idea. The gate of truth derived from the anime/manga Full Metal Alchemist It is an “endless white expanse and forcing the truth of alchemic...
  5. Gray Kemmey

    Movie Analysis

    For this week’s video assignments, we were supposed to find a movie that pretty much stands out as an exemplary film in terms of what film making should be. I [..]
  6. Annie Truslow

    Week 8, Part A: Reading Movies

    For Part A of this week’s assignments, I chose a documentary film called Rivers and Tides, which was released in 2002, produced by Trevor Davies, Leslie Hills, and Annedore von Donop, and was directed by Thomas Riedelsheimer. This documentary fea...
  7. Feng

    Plinkett Review

    So the movie I chose to critique is Fireproof. It was first suggested to me by my brother who thought and still thinks it is a great film. I took his suggestion and watched it with James via skype and we thought it was a horrible movie. Take a look. Th...
  8. Feng

    Analyze a Movie: Titanic

    One of my all time favorite movies and also one of AFI’s list of the Best 100 Movies of all time is the Titanic. Although I’m not all that ecstatic about the 3-D version, it is still one of the most emotional and aesthetically provocati...
  9. Brian Brown

    Acrid Desires

    Anything is horror.  That tingling of sickening disgust that festers in your gut and spreads throughout your body doesn’t always come because an innocent victim was pushed through a wood chipper. No, horror can come in the whole gushing of ecstasy in idiotic situational romantic films.   I cringe at the thought of You’ve Got Mail, ...
  10. Emily DelRoss

    Analyze This!: “The King’s Speech”

    This past week (over spring break) I watched “The King’s Speech” with my friend Caitlin and her parents. Although the movie has been out for some time now, and it has gotten quite a lot of attention because of the many awards it’s received, I had still not seen it. (If you know me, this ...
  11. Brian Brown

    Mealy-mouthed minion

    Sycophant!  Get away from here before you fawn all over the carpet.  Why do you keep coming back? This is my space.  I own it.  I paid for it. You oughtta be flogged. Humiliated! The nerve!  Why I never… Hung, drawn, and quartered.  There is no other punishment.  It is final,  I must needs have ...
  12. Michael Walter

    Bird Facts

    Taken from a Grantland article: But everyone loves bird facts! i. During World War II, “Project Pigeon” was American behaviorist B.F. Skinner’s attempt to develop a pigeon-guided missile. ii. Also during World War II, an American dental surgeon named Lytle … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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