The presentation by Kelli Anderson was great. I truly enjoyed it. She brought up great points regarding how society takes in information. For the most part, people already have expectations when it comes to the basics of life. In one of Ms. Anderson’s projects, she created newspapers promoting a positive world full of peace and happiness that mimicked The New…
This week my daily creates ranged from the creation of new laws to cow jokes. I have hyperlinked each daily create! I had a lot of trouble creating a new law because I felt like nothing that I created would work out but I am glad I chose that one and I loved the feedback I received. New Law Addition… Read more →
Below are the photos I took on my design safari this week. The first photo comes from PetsMart. The color is a burgundy/beige color. That type of dim color could affect the customers mood by making them sad. I actually noticed that the cluttered aisle and bleak colors made me rethink my purchase. Also there is a very basic font with… Read more →
This talk was lead by Kelli Anderson. She is an artists and she talks about how she makes things and why she composes them the way she does. Anderson discusses how important the small things are. How we should take how things are normally portrayed and disrupt them. How we should take different types of media and reinvent them. For… Read more →
So there are two cows eating grass on a farm and two pleasantly plump people watching them. Girl 1: Wow look at how big those cows are Girl 2: Yeah I see, they look like they will make a nice meal Cow 1: Wow look at how big those cows are Cow 2: Shakes head Here is the link… Read more →