Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ldeitrick

    Final Chapter….. Part 2 and Reflections

    FIRST ATTACKS This map plots out the first four attacks. Originally thought to be unrelated incidents, as the number continued to grow and eye witness accounts were collected, a much more sinister picture began to emerge as the world began to realize some one or something was targeting the world’s superhero community.     Detroit’s Silverdome …
  2. @ldeitrick

    Final Chapter – part 1

    For my final crisis project, I decided to do a remix on the idea that the world, and DS106 along with it, is ending. The specific apocalyptic viewpoint I’ll be creating is that an unknown source, entity, or villain is killing off superheros across the globe. I’ll convey this story in multiple parts using various …
  3. @ldeitrick

    Weekly Summary 11

    This week had some roller-coasters for me, but once I was on a roll, it all coasted.  – Darn, I’m clever.  I started by week trapped in Iceland after a wind storm delayed my return flight by two days. But there are worst places to be trapped and I was surrounded by good friends – …
  4. @ldeitrick

    Twitterverse and trolls

    The American people are under attack form the inside out. Russian trolls and bots have taken over the internet are dividing Americans, pitting brother against sister, child against parent.  Someone must save the day. Someone must put a stop to this – how do we heal the twitterverse? How do we united the nation 140 …
  5. @ldeitrick

    Weekly Summary #10

    It was a new week and I was ready to CRUSH it. After a couple weeks of sub-par work (and living), I was ready to get back in the saddle as they say and hit one out of the ballpark. (I’m sensing a cliche theme here….) How to Read a Movie and Every Frame a …
  6. @ldeitrick

    Day in the life and Poetry

    Day in the life This was by far the most enjoyable project this week since I got to document my life experiences. I downloaded Adobe Premiere Clip, which is an awesome video editing application for your phone. This made compiling my videos and adding a soundtrack really easy and convenient. I highly recommend the free …
  7. @ldeitrick

    Video Essay

    Of course this assignment made me nervous. Would I have enough time to learn the logistics of creating a voice-over video? Would I pick a scene that had enough depth and character to analyze? Would the final product be something I could be proud of or something that would just be “good enough?” I started …
  8. @ldeitrick

    Star appeal

    Using x-ray goggles was actually a lot of fun. My storytelling within challenge was a little ambitious. I chose to create a resume on IMDB site. I did not alter any of the linked pages. The most difficult part was removing information from the page. I also learned how to inspect other websites for embedded …
  9. @ldeitrick

    Weekly Summary

    The past two weeks have been really stressful. On a personal note, my dog, Angel passed on the 7th of October. She was 24 years old and I’d had her since I was 19, so for 14 years she was my sole companion. It hit be hard and it was big adjustment and work, school …
  10. @ldeitrick


    I’ve been pleasantly surprise how easy the collaboration between most members of the group has been solely through online communication. I live and work in Arlington, so meeting in person wasn’t an option for me. And while online communication made my life easier, it also made me nervous about putting together a radio show. I …
  11. @ldeitrick

    Weekly Summary #6

    Read/Watch and Reflect Design can be used to tell stories a variety of ways. This week in ‘Fast Forward or Rewind,’ I explored Hassna Otsmane-Elhaou’s analyses of design elements used in comics to illustrate inner thoughts, change the mood, convey action, and even create time alteration. Creative anomalies in their usual structure provided the audience …
  12. @ldeitrick

    Fast Forward or Rewind?

    Design can be used to tell stories a variety of ways, including illustrating inner thoughts, change in mood, action, and even time alteration. In Strip Panel Naked: Negative Space in ‘Jessica Jones’  and Strip Panel Naked: ‘Unstoppable Wasp’ And Dealing With Complicated Layouts , Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou explores the use of design elements to signify the characters …
  13. @ldeitrick

    Weekly Summary #5

    I have zero experience editing audio. Zero. The closest I’ve ever come to being a sound producer was burning CDs on my desktop with Napster was still a thing. Needless to say, this week’s audio assignments were a challenge for me. The process was slow, sometimes painful, and on a steep learning curve. The greatest …
  14. @ldeitrick

    Bumper……. radio?

    Technical stuff I used Freesound to download “Batman punches” and a surreal galaxy These are nods to both the DS106 superhero theme and my blog’s personal title theme. I voice recorded the intro using the SoundCloud app on my Samsung Galaxy phone. I find the sound quality from my phone’s microphone is light years ahead …
  15. @ldeitrick

    Silence is the loudest sound.

    “Moon Graffiti” grabs you right from the moment you start listening. The producers achieve this primarily using two distinct styles when introducing the story. NPR’s “How Audio Stories Begin” describe these techniques as diving immediately into the narrative and introducing a mystery. We are confronted with alarms signaling a sense of danger and urgency, as …

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