Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @mto_morgan

    How Does Sound Drive Stories?

    Stories would be nothing without sound. Stories have been told over and over again, each time the story teller uses their own unique sound to potentially paint a different picture than the previous story teller. This could contribute to how stories are changed over time. Even if people say the same words, each person can tell a story differently by […]
  2. @mto_morgan

    Week 4 Summary

    Wow what a week. I have not experienced too much of photoshop before but I sure did this week! All my daily creates can be found below: All my assignments and blogs for the week can be found at this link: Overall, I learned a good bit about some of the visual editing software out there. I personally really […]
  3. @mto_morgan

    Photo Blitz

    Here are the tasks: 1.) Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. 2.) Play with contrasting scale: juxtapose something small with something big! 3.) Includes a “finished product” and at least one of its “raw materials”. 4.) Your favorite color. 5.) Wood has a lot of character and variety. A photo of something wooden. 6.)Take […]
  4. @mto_morgan

    My Experience in Photography

    My experience in photography mainly comes from using my phone. I do have a crop sensor DSLR, but I have not had the inspiration to use it a whole lot. I personally love to take photos of the landscape. More specifically, I like taking pictures of the mountains. I love to go hiking so the photography aspect plays in nicely. […]
  5. @mto_morgan

    Week 3 Summary

    What a fun week. I have never been into writing all that much, but I could feel myself getting into the stories I wrote, even if they are fictional. The daily creates were interesting as well. Check them out below: All my writing assignments and blogs for the week can be found here: I really enjoyed creating these stories […]
  6. @mto_morgan

    Batman: The Dark Knight

    I love this story because it does not fit the normal narrative for a popular super hero movie. The theme for this movie is much darker than the normal movies that come from Marvel. The movie itself is about a man who appears to be a snarky rich guy, but is really a hero and loves his city. The movie […]
  7. @mto_morgan

    Week 2 Summary

    First, I will talk about my assignments. For my coding assignment, I wrote a piece of software to essentially log and view events that you want to save and look at later. This can be used to keep track of your story and it allows you to look back to the past. The post can be found here: As for […]
  8. @mto_morgan

    Week 1 Summary

    As we are just getting started, I have mainly just followed the steps to getting this blog up and running. I have created soundcloud, youtube/google, instagram, and twitter accounts to post my creations with. One problem I ran into is that wordpress does not embed instagram links so I think I will make the switch to flickr and see if […]
  9. @mto_morgan

    (Y)our Story

    I think this theme can be used now more than ever. As we are in uncertain times right now, sharing and listening to everyone’s stories will hopefully inspire others to push through and come out the other side a brighter person. 2020 was a rough year for me as I lost relatives, had a severe broken leg, and it was […]

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