Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. karenatsharon

    Remote Elementary and Secondary Teaching

    It's been awhile so forgive me for the long post but I feel I have to write something in the age of Zoom and remote emergency teaching because I am hearing a lot of horror stories coming from parents about what has been sent home and how much screen ti...
  2. @tabbycat07

    What’s Your Story?

    It`s all about sounds and what kind of story they make. For this audio assignment, I picked out 6 different sounds, from, and tuned them together with Audacity. Figuring out Audacity was a little tricky because I had to figure out what all the different buttons were and where to clip the sound at Read More
  3. @Chris_tastrophe

    “DS106: What Really Happened?”

     Well It’s Here Folks… I can’t believe the actual end to this class is here. It’s been a long, rewarding semester, and I’m not sure I’ve created so much in my entire life before. It’s addicting, and I could see myself returning to and for new challenges periodically. In this class, I learned that I truly love […]
  4. @Chris_tastrophe

    It’s a Wrap!

    Well it was certainly a journey – thank you to all of the great group members I worked with: Katie, Jenn, and Daniel. We spent the early week recording our audio, and the remainder of the time editing (which took a long time). Especially when we misplaced one of our fully edited episodes. Jenn was awesome and […]
  5. @Chris_tastrophe

    Wool: Sounds From the Silo

    Create a Place Listen to be transported into Hugh Howey’s world of Wool. These sounds emulate a multi-level society that survives underground in a giant vertical silo, all floors connected by one spiraling metal staircase.   Behind the Scenes I knew the silo would be an interesting choice because of the metal, its vertical layout, […]
  6. @Chris_tastrophe

    Fictional Nuclear Emergency Broadcast

    My Frequency 2156 Submission I decided to emulate a military emergency broadcast for our Frequency 2156 world’s radioactive state:   Behind the Scenes I wrote up a script to read and recorded my audio using an external USB microphone into Audacity. From there, I modulated my voice to sound radio-like by following this unprofessional, but […]

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