Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92929 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @KendallResnick


    When you first saw my title, were you confused? I’m guessing you probably were! What you see is an example of a secret code I came up with for the “Create Your Own Cipher” assignment. The assignment was to “Create your own cipher, a system for disguising a message by replacing its letters with other letters or numbers or […]
  2. @KendallResnick

    Week One Summary

    I didn’t have many expectations coming into this class, so it’s ironic that this first week was not what I expected. It was definitely a little overwhelming to look over the assignments for the first week, especially since I had to create all of my social media accounts from nothing. I haven’t done anything like […]
  3. ryanseslow

    CT101 Students Rock Vapor Wave for the Commons!

    With great pleasure I present to you the Vapor Wave Gallery of CT101 student work. Answering the open call for submissions on the NET-ART website powered by the CUNY Academic Commons, we hope you will enjoy the show! Click here to View the Gallery (if you don’t see your work in the gallery, it means … Continue reading "CT101 Students Rock Vapor Wave for the Commons!"
  4. ryanseslow

    ZINE COLLAB in Print at the NYPL & More!

      Dear CT101 Spring 2018 Students, (and Beyond!) I hope that this message finds you all well! As the summer begins to winds down I wanted to alert you to a few things: First and foremost, our awesome class ZINE collaboration with my BMCC MMA100 Graphic Design students is now officially accessible in print and … Continue reading "ZINE COLLAB in Print at the NYPL & More!"
  5. ryanseslow

    Cross CUNY Campus Collab ZINE Project

    Project Title – “Cross CUNY Campus/Course Collaborative ZINE” We will have a full lab session to work on and prepare our zine collaboration project this week and next during our class time. This project is a collaborative exploration with CUNY BMCC MMA100, Foundation of Graphic Design students. Design Project Specifications – You have been selected to contribute … Continue reading "Cross CUNY Campus Collab ZINE Project"
  6. ryanseslow

    The Gratification of Digital Storytelling Immediacy

    The Gratification of Digital Storytelling Immediacy On a fine wintery morning in early March of 2018 I took expressive action! I had to. (I promise I took this photo from a red light) As a digital storyteller, this is my duty right?! Here is the published outcome taken from Instagram below , and this was … Continue reading "The Gratification of Digital Storytelling Immediacy"
  7. ryanseslow

    Wally Sutton’s Internet Art Making Creative Blogging Project

    Wally Sutton’s Internet Art Making Creative Blogging Project. Who is Wally Sutton and why is he here? Simply put, Wally Sutton is a fictional character. He’s a Walrus, however, he doesn’t know that Walrus’s aren’t supposed to wear human clothing or sell things like motherboards and other computer hardware… That is what makes Wally, Wally. He is … Continue reading "Wally Sutton’s Internet Art Making Creative Blogging Project"
  8. @eafinto

    The World is Ending and Here’s How I’ve Prepared

    The apocalypse. Everyone’s heard of it. We’ve feared it’s arrival. And now… it’s here. When I was about fourteen-years-old, I was first introduced to what apocalyptic life might be like when I watched Shaun of the Dead (2004) with a few of my family friends. Of course this movie is a comedy, and almost parody, but […]
  9. Ben Rimes

    Video Story Problem – Hours & Hours of Snowblowing!

    It’s 2018, there’s a ridiculous amount of snow swirling around the United States, and I haven’t blogged in a couple of months….that must mean it’s time for a video story problem! I’ve complained about snow in previous video story problems, but for this one it wasn’t so much complaining as it was…..oh hell, it was […]
  10. Ben Rimes

    Video Story Problem – Hours & Hours of Snowblowing!


    It’s 2018, there’s a ridiculous amount of snow swirling around the United States, and I haven’t blogged in a couple of months….that must mean it’s time for a video story problem! I’ve complained about snow in previous video story problems, but for this one it wasn’t so much complaining as it was…..oh hell, it was […]
  11. Ben Rimes

    Video Story Problem – Hours & Hours of Snowblowing!

    It’s 2018, there’s a ridiculous amount of snow swirling around the United States, and I haven’t blogged in a couple of months….that must mean it’s time for a video story problem! I’ve complained about snow in previous video story problems, but for this one it wasn’t so much complaining as it was…..oh hell, it was […]
  12. @shleighduque

    Week Fourteen: Distress Signal News!

    We had way too much fun with the final project. Alaina, Jordan and I immediately wrote our articles and filmed interviews after making an outline for the project. We created and customized a Tumblr page that provides background info and references our radio show. It was the perfect way to show our transformation from radio show … Continue reading Week Fourteen: Distress Signal News!
  13. @shleighduque

    Week Thirteen: Progress Report

    Inspired by the “Save Yourself” prompt where our heroes lose their powers, Alaina, Jordan and I have teamed up to revisit the plot and characters in our radio show, Distress Signal. Only for this project, we’ll create a news series that investigates where our heroes– Ceto, Malevolent Melody and Little Brain– are now. The plan is … Continue reading Week Thirteen: Progress Report
  14. ryanseslow

    Discovering Your Classmates Websites

    During week #10 I asked each student to share their new website’s url in the comment section on this post 37 out of 40 registered CT101 students participated. (You still can if you need to!) Now its time to explore and share our experiences visiting some of those websites. Part 1 – Select a few … Continue reading "Discovering Your Classmates Websites"
  15. @shleighduque

    Week Twelve: Mashed Up

    This week, we revisited concepts covered in the past, but whatever direction we took was up to us. The mashup/remix assignments were interesting because anything was fair game. I started with editing the Dunkin’ Donuts logo to better represent the only thing I actually buy from there… iced coffee. This was entertaining, and while I like the result, … Continue reading Week Twelve: Mashed Up
  16. @shleighduque

    Make a Digital Collage Using Photoshop

    This is a really simple tutorial that will cover two features of Photoshop, the Quick Selection tool and SmartObject manipulation, which will be useful for creating You In (Digital) Collage Form! There are many ways to approach this task, and this tutorial uses a method I’ve found useful. Obviously, with this specific assignment, you’ll need … Continue reading Make a Digital Collage Using Photoshop
  17. @shleighduque

    My World is Baby Blue

    I loved editing videos last week, so I decided to do a video mashup. The What Color is Your World?  assignment instructed me to photograph a single color throughout a typical day and layer it with a song about that color. I decided to film blue things around my room in motion as opposed to just compiling still … Continue reading My World is Baby Blue
  18. @shleighduque

    America Runs on Ice

    I love coffee, but I really love iced coffee.  Every morning, regardless of the temperature, I grab an iced coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts. That’s why my mind immediately went to Dunkin’ when I stumbled upon the Consumer Mashup assignment. This assignment required me to redesign a company’s logo by incorporating my favorite product. Using Photoshop, I removed the … Continue reading America Runs on Ice

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