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  1. @AJSt0rm

    We Are Storytellers

    When I was a kid, one of my favorite book series to read was Elephant and Piggie by Mo Williams. The characters’ antics always served to make me laugh. Recently, I was looking back at some of the books when I came across this line: A character saying something like “what if this is all …
  2. @jclark22umw

    More thematic thoughts…


    After another week of pondering and reading through classmates’ posts, I think the general consensus is sharing what others find interesting about us, or maybe finding that out through this course. Our uniqueness is displayed by our experiences and personality quirks. I enjoyed Madeline’s thoughts on the theme, she examined a more specific approach that […]

    The post More thematic thoughts… appeared first on Digital Storytelling with Jordan.

  3. @imatutu_

    Thematic Thoughts Part 2

    You guys like that alliteration? I know I’m proud of my self. Even if you aren’t as proud as I am, we should all be proud of how many different interpretations and perspectives we took in thinking about this all-encompassing overarching theme of “What is your story?” In reading through so many thoughts on just […]
  4. @madelinek106

    Quarantine Stories : Whats y(our) story?

     Last week I posted about my original thoughts for the class theme of “What’s y(our) story?”. After reading my classmates ideas, and the wrap up post I would like to continue with the idea of stories during quarantine. This is such significant time we are living in and I think it is important to share the little things […]

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