Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @ari_squared

    Dear Mama Nara: Rework

    Assignment For week 9 of #ds106 I was tasked with re-working 2 past assignments. The first assignment I re-worked can be found here: The second Assignment I chose to re-work is Dear Mama Nara. I completed this writing assignment during Week 4 of this semester; the requirements and prompt can be found under the 3 […]
  2. @ari_squared

    Next Time Won’t You Write With Me: Rework

    Assignment For week 9 of #ds106 I was tasked with re-working 2 past assignments. The first Assignment I chose to re-work is Next Time Won’t You Write With Me. I completed this writing assignment during Week 3 of this semester; the requirements and prompt can be found under the 3 star assignment A Story in […]
  3. @ari_squared

    Radio Bu-Bum-Bumpin Pt. 2

    Assignment For my first Audio Assignment of week 7 I chose to re-do my ds106 radio bumper: Radio Bu-Bum-Bumpin. Summary: Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with […]
  4. @ari_squared

    Design, Create, Imagine

    Provided Design Resources The Vignelli Canon A Kid’s Guide to Graphic Design by Iconic Designer Chip Kidd Movie Poster Expert Explains Color Schemes How Stranger Things got its retro title sequence The Art of Movie Posters: View Online 40,000+ Movie Posters and Learn How They’re Made My Thoughts/Reflection Out of all the provides design resources, […]
  5. @ari_squared

    Now Showing: Arisquared

    Assignment I decided on the Website Logo assignment for my second Design Assignment of week 6. Summary: Use an image editing software to create a logo for your webpage. The logo should have some type of text involving the name of your website. Try to remember how things like rhythm, color, and texture, can be […]
  6. @ari_squared

    Kawaii or Die

    Assignment For my first Design Assignment of #ds106 week 6, I chose Contradiction Creation. Summary: Create some sort of graphic. Design the overall graphic to convey some sort of feeling or theme, but then have text saying something completely contradictory to the theme or feeling. Sort of like one of those old anti-motivational posters, but […]
  7. @ari_squared

    Guess that Place

    Assignment For my second Audio Assignment of #ds106 week 5 I chose to complete the Create a Place Assignment. I liked this assignment because it seemed like a challenge to accomplish! Summary: For this assignment create a place by just using sound. For example, make the listener know where they are if outside use birds, […]
  8. @ari_squared

    Please Send Help

    Okay so… I have no idea what to do for a radio show. Hence, the title. Below I included the entirety of my brainstorming ideas. I kept all ideas included because sometimes any idea is better than no idea. After brainstorming, I then googled videos to help me become a better speaker when recording myself […]
  9. @ari_squared

    Radio Bu-bum-bumpin

    Assignment The #ds106 radio bumper assignment is required for week 5. Summary: Now that we have a #ds106 radio up and running creating a 15 to 30 second bumper for the station. What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure […]
  10. @ari_squared

    I’m Home!

    Assignment The Sound Effects Story is a required audio assignment for week 5 of #ds106. Summary: Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. Behind the Work […]
  11. @ari_squared

    Hearing the Trees

    I participated in the #ds106 “tweet-along” on Wednesday from 8:00 – 9:00 PM. The #ds106radio was playing From Tree to Shining Tree by Radiolab: A forest can feel like a place of great stillness and quiet. But if you dig a little deeper, there’s a hidden world beneath your feet as busy and complicated as […]
  12. @ari_squared

    Yellow Lights

    Assignment For my second visual assignment this week I chose Splash The Color: “Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. a green apple on a table. Think of the Girl in the red dress from Schindler’s List.” […]
  13. @ari_squared

    It’ll Turn Into A Photo Blitz Photo Blitz, Photo Blitz

    Assignment This week in ds106 the main focus is on photography. Due to the pandemic, I have been taking little to no pictures, so to practice my photography skills I decided to complete the ds106 Photoblitz first. I was tasked to complete a 20-minute photoblitz: 7 randomly generated photography prompts designed to be completed in […]
  14. @ari_squared

    Next Time Won’t You Write With Me

    Assignment For my final week 3 assignment I chose a random page number and selected the first 3 star assignment I saw: “A Story In Alphabet“. Behind the Work Okay to start off, I am really proud of the title I came up with for this assignment. It’s a play on the end of the […]
  15. @ari_squared

    Pepe Silvia! Pepe Silvia!

    Anyone who has seen It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia knows the infamous Charlie Mail Room Scene from the episode “Sweet Dee Has A Heart Attack.” If you haven’t seen the show… please watch it, it’ll make your life 10x better. Okay maybe not, but it’s great. The use of pictures, boards, and hand movements in […]
  16. @ari_squared

    Animal Crossing New Horizons : Video Game Review

    Assignment Choosing a Writing Assignment was easy when I saw “A Game of Reviews”. I am always playing my switch lite and have about 6 games (that’s a lot to me, lol)! I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to relate back to this semester’s theme: What’s (y)our story. Behind the Work
  17. @ari_squared

    Relaxation Station

    Assignment I chose “Emotional Lyrics“ from the Writing Assignments section for my first week 3 assignment. It really grabbed me because I’ve been listening to music a lot during the pandemic and already have my playlists sorted by emotion! Behind the Work I immediately went to my apple music playlists and chose “A-R-I-E-L“: a playlist […]
  18. @rachelds106

    remixed poetry art

    I sort of kept to the 80’s theme by including a poet who was around in the 80’s! Charles Bukowski is a German-American writer. I’ve seen a lot of his poems and short quotes on Pinterest and I love his writing. It’s very raw and straight forward, and he talks a lot about serious topics, such as alcoholism, poverty, and relationship issues.  The remix I chose was to do an assignment that you wouldn’t want your parents to see (parental advisory card). I had already created poetry art a few weeks ago and it was one of my favorite things I did, so I chose to go with that similar assignment. I tried to keep to the similar minimalistic theme as my previous poetry art assignment. I kept the pinks and greens of the paintbrush strokes and wanted to keep the elements of the bottle and hands similar to the lines I created around the person in that picture.  I found the quote and pictures on Pinterest and edited it using Canva, instead of through PicsArt like I did originally. I edited the images in Canva using an effect called “distorted”. I think using this effect provides a visualization of how someone’s reality is distorted when they drink or take drugs, and especially when they do both at the same time. The background I […]
  19. @rachelds106

    aesthetic audio/video mashup

    by Hey everyone! So I created my own mashup assignment (maybe I didn’t but when I was looking I didn’t find one like this) but I’m sure there’s something similar to it out there. Basically I just combined my audio from this assignment a couple of weeks back, and some video clips I found on Pexels.  I tried to match the clips to the aesthetic of the sound I had created. For example, you’ll see in the video that the first clip is of rain (of course) and then followed by a clip of someone playing the piano as those keys chime in from the audio. Surprisingly, if you look closely enough, some of the keys that are being played in the audio seem to match up with the person playing in the video. It’s not perfect, but there’s a bit of synchrony there and that was a stroke of luck for me because I didn’t try for that! I also color edited a few of the clips, such as the kids playing in the rain, the picture of the plants blowing in the wind. For each clip, I increased the temperature and saturation a bit and brought down the brightness a little. I wanted to create a fall, rainy day vibe.  As the audio got quicker I made the clips shorter to match […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]