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  1. @Bendire Thrasher

    High School Baseball Coaches, This One’s For You

    “Create some sort of graphic. Design the overall graphic to convey some sort of feeling or theme, but then have text saying something completely contradictory to the theme or feeling. Sort of like one of those old anti-motivational posters, but with more design than a black box with a white frame.” Contradiction Creation This is […]
  2. @jwcpsc

    Revisit Work 1: Contradiction Creation

    I redid this assignment because the motto of my life is still “I Hate People” but I recreated the picture using a background of a sunset that I took some years ago, back in 2916 to be exact, when I was in the car driving around with my mom. It’s a really beautiful sunset picture …
  3. @skyler0455

    contradiction creation

    Create some sort of graphic. Design the overall graphic to convey some sort of feeling or theme, but then have text saying something completely contradictory to the theme or feeling. Sort of like one of those old anti-motivational posters, but with more design than a black box with a white frame. I had fun […]
  4. @eendip

    Contradiction Creation

    I did the Contradiction Creation design assignment where you create some graphics where the motivational message contradicts that of the background mood/theme. Pretty much like an anti-motivational poster. I used Canva to make this. I used one of the photos they allow people to use for free, and added text to make it look like...
  5. @ari_squared

    Kawaii or Die

    Assignment For my first Design Assignment of #ds106 week 6, I chose Contradiction Creation. Summary: Create some sort of graphic. Design the overall graphic to convey some sort of feeling or theme, but then have text saying something completely contradictory to the theme or feeling. Sort of like one of those old anti-motivational posters, but […]
  6. @madelinek106

    Skies of Blue on a cloudy day… Contradiction Creation

    The “Contradiction Creation” assignment stood out to me because I thought it was funny. On Instagram and Twitter I am constantly seeing “inspiring’ images with quotes. And this week has been so  cloudy and rainy I have been wishing for warmer weather. I can’t wait until it is spring time! I thought of the song “What A Wonderful […]
  7. @AndrewWaite17

    Eat Junk And Become A Clump

    It took me a while to pick which DS106 assignments I wanted to do for this week since there are so many to choose from. The first one that caught my eye was in the “Design Assignments” category and it is called “Contradiction Creation”. Within this assignment, you must have contradicting themes within a photo… Continue reading Eat Junk And Become A Clump
  8. @samprice_ds106

    Contradiction Creation

    For my next assignment bank for this week, I chose to do one from the design assignments. I chose one where I had to find an inspirational background and then put an anti-motivational quote on top of it. I chose this one because honestly, I thought it was super funny. I picked a 80s themed background (to keep with the 80s theme of the class) and then chose a quote that I laughed at the most. I hope you are un-motived after reading this post 🙂
  9. @ds106_mckayla

    Contradiction Creation.

    This is the original link to the assignment. This assignment is worth 2 1/2 stars. I decided to add the 80s theme within this assignment. This assignment asked for me to create the graphic to convey a theme and the text convey the complete opposite. Obviously the graphics convey the 80s theme with the image of Micheal Jackson, the girl with the big hair, and the radio box and the text that reads “THE 2000’s” conveys modern day. If you look closely at the radio box, I added a small image of Micheal Jackson dancing in the speaker. I thought

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