1. @hannahdgst

    Design Thoughts

    Design thoughts are incorporated in everything we see. Logos, posters, books, photos, videos, and much more require extensive design and creativity. When it comes to the “rules” of these items and design, they can differ from person to person. Posters typically have a graphic of some kind, information for the advertisement, and contact information for … Continue reading Design Thoughts
  2. @tiffmooree

    Gun Control

    In a world with the shootings of Sandy Hook, Columbine, and the Orlando Nightclub, it is more prominent than ever of why citizens of the United States strive for more strict gun control laws. There are countries that have never had a mass shooting, an...
  3. @hannahkolkmeyer


    Nothing gets blitzer then a design blitz! Below I depicted four different photos for this mission. Color, minimalism, Metaphors and Symbols, and Proportion. Color: I wanted to capture something beyond beutiful for this section to really represent it. Unfortunately want I wanted wasn’t possible thanks to this intereting weather we have been having, so I …

    Continue reading "DesignBlitz"

  4. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 2/22/19

    This week, on the syllabus proved to be the least complicated, but was the hardest week yet for me. I pride myself on my time management, but that all went down the drain this week. I helped my boyfriend move from Monday to Wednesday, so this gave me two days to get all of my work done, while also having other assignments due for other classes. This meant that I had to get on my phone and complete assignments in the car, stress cry in between boxes, and flooding the new house with my tears. But after two days of constant work and Cherry Cokes, here I am to say that I have completed this week. Thank GOD! First up this week was the read and reflect, which I incorporated my questions of the week into. This was actually the last thing I did this week, and normally I do a majority of everything in order. This was something new for us, as we haven’t had to read an article (and go down the rabbit hole) to write a reflection. I quite liked this. I didn’t have as much time as I would’ve wanted to completely end up at the bottom of the rabbit hole, but I did enough to feel comfortable with the material. I enjoyed reading about design and how to convey them. It offered an insight of how to make my work for this class even better. I know now to think more about the message I am trying to get across to my audience and how to do so. Next was my designblitz. I am embarrassed to say that I got lucky with this one. I took a photography class in high school, and was able to find these elements easier than most, as they were already edited and downloaded to my laptop. In my photography class we processed film, learned how to edit photos, and captured images depicting the elements in photography. This also gave me a slight advantage, as I was already familiar with the work we would be doing this week. For my first photo, I chose to use a photo of flowers for color. I felt like this was the most appropriate. I had already edited the photo to better depict all of the colors of the plant and soil, and upped the contrast to further convey this. Overall, I am pleased with how well this photo fit the element. My next photo was rhythm. I thought this would be a difficult photo to find, but it was quite simple. I opted for a photo of a waterfall in Occoquan. In my post I address how nostalgic this photo is to me and how much it means to me because of this. I felt like water perfectly captured rhythm. In the photo, my shutter speed was timed to capture the water rushing down the rocks and splashing everywhere. In turn, this created a sense of rhythm. The next two photos were up for my own interpretation. I chose to use a photo of the clouds before it rained as dominance. This is due to the fact that in the photo, you don’t focus on anything other than the clouds because they are so captivating. This in turn, is the definition of dominance. I feel like normally, one wouldn’t choose to use a photo of clouds to depict this, but I felt like this was perfect. My last photo was proportion. I stated in my blog post that I felt like normally people would interpret this element in a different way. Normally, you would see people trying to lean the Tower of Pisa or falling off of a cliff, but I took a more original approach. I chose to use a scenic photo of land and water. The viewer can definitely make out how some aspects are closer than the others, some overlap, and there is a sense of foreground, middle ground, and background. I love my interpretation and I feel like it is very unique. Find my entire blog post here: Next was the daily creates. These always seem to make me engage in this class at least everyday and I really appreciate that. I feel like my commenting always ends up lower than I want it to be, so these allow me to stay keeping up with the class and my other peers. They truly are a breath of fresh air. I always really enjoy the assignment banks as well. However, this is where I ran into a slight disadvantage. In my photography class, we became familiar with photoshop. However, it came to my attention that I do not have photoshop at home. I turned to my sister as back up, and she had also cancelled her membership. She suggested using a few apps that she uses, and I began using one called Over for all of my assignment banks. I felt like this app wasn’t an adequate way to replace photoshop, but it was easy to use, offered many different editing techniques, and got the job done. I did three assignments of 4 stars each. I also noticed that with some mediums, it is harder to find certain star difficulties. For example, it was hard to find 5 star assignments with the photography assignments, but this week I had no trouble finding assignments. For my first assignment, I had to make a Valentines Day card. I opted to take the cheesy route, and I love how it turned out. I wanted to make it cute and appealing, capturing the true meaning of a pick up line. I state in my post that my boyfriend came to the rescue with the pick up line, and from there I created the photo. This was the first assignment I used the new app on, and it all went smoothly. I chose a cute picture to correlate to the joke, added text to display it, and added a few decorations to further make it appealing. My next assignment bank was to take a cartoon character and advertise a product with it. Pretty soon after I start this assignment, I felt like Ariel advertising a beach texturizing spray would be perfect. There is a lot of emphasis on her hair, and many people try to achieve her hair, so what better model to advertise a hair product than her. I simply chose a photo of her, added some text, and decorated it to further convey the message. My last assignment bank was to create a wallpaper for this class. I wanted to relate it to the theme, while also making it usable for anyone. I googled a photo of a secret agent, found the perfect photo, and added a filter to it. I chose to add a filter to the photo to better convey the contrast between the blacks and whites of the photo. Then I added some text, which I thought looked very relatable for the class, and added a simple decoration. I am very proud of how this assignment came out. So much so, it might be my favorite I’ve ever done. I really love how simple, but yet perfect it is. It adequately fits the class, and can be used by anyone. I feel like every time I write a weekly summary I address how I need to comment more. I feel like this point I am jinxing myself. So this week I’m not going to blatantly say that I need to, but I will imply it. Hopefully next week it will rise up to my standards. That is the only thing that I feel that I am lacking during this class. After three emotional breakdowns, two hours of further procrastination, and seven hours of sleep, I have never been so excited for a week to be over in this class. I enjoyed this week and what we focused on, but I have never lacked so horribly in time management. See you next week, where hopefully I don’t have time consuming obligations.
  5. @tiffmooree

    Design Thoughts

    A Kid’s Designer Guide to Graphic Design by Chip Kidd sounds like a brilliant way to not only get kids involved in graphic design, but also adults. It offers a guide to what graphic design is and how to achieve it. There are many different ways ...
  6. @faith_martino

    Design Time

    Typography is a form of design that arranges typed words into an art form. For this beautiful picture above, the artist used the quote “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m possible.” to create a poster of Aubrey Hepburn. This worked extremely well because it used the art form and her own quote to make the piece. Dominance is the focal point of an image. The entire photograph above scrams dominance. But her eyes are the dominant element. Colors are a huge part of peoples lives. They hold meaning and tell stories. These colors above represent America and everything that we stand for as a country. Minimalism is a beautiful art form. This book above is a perfect example of how an extremely simple design can stand out so much.
  7. @JasmineAlanis2

    Daily Create x4

    Creation 1 Directions for this daily create were to share literature, music, or a motion picture that I secretly love. This was a no brainer. Anyone and everyone around me knows I absolutely love the movie, The Iron Giant. I like to bring it up in conversation early on when I meet people. I do
  8. @madeleine_ds106

    Design Blitz

    The design blitz was a fun assignment. I chose to take pictures of the concepts color, typography, dominance, and unity. The design resource page was a lot of help to give a more detailed description of each of the elements! Most of my pictures came f...
  9. @christinac106

    Mission 6: Complete

    Three cheers for finishing another week in ds106 and even bigger cheers for learning about design! This week we tackled the idea of design and how it further shapes or constructs the stories we tell. Since the beginning of the semester I found myself very preoccupied with this class, don’t worry I still am. However […]
  10. @kdzebdi106

    Design Blitz with Keamo

    https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJsozol7O2/ The embed would not work for some reason. The classic amazon symbol that acts as a message to people about who they are. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuJt3_8ln0E/ The embed would not work for some reason. This would be a rhythm as it’s the classic tapestry for that a lot of college students have. It’s rhythm because there…
  11. @Katie73536604


    So unfortunately for whatever reason I am unable to embed Instagram photos into my blog posts, but I am able to provide the links and screenshots of these Insta posts! Here are each of the posts and a description to go along with them: I took t...

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