Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Michael48861254

    Week 7 Audio Assignments

    All The Relaxation 2.5 Create a Place 4 Emotions Through Sound 4 It had taken me a while to find audio assignments that i had...
  2. @JasmineAlanis2

    Weekly Summary

    I started my week off the way I always start my DS106 weeks: I made some daily creates and shared them on twitter. Here is a recap of my daily creates: #tdc2594 #dailycreate #ds106 Was it ever a secret how much I loved The Iron Giant? Probably not. But I secretly decide if we’re going
  3. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 6; Weekly Assignment

    For this week’s assignment, I worked on the “Website Design” challenge. As a computer science major, I used to work on websites a lot in my free time to hone my skills. One of my last projects was a personal blog website written and designed 100% by myself. I never got around to finishing it …

    Continue reading "Digital Storytelling; Week 6; Weekly Assignment"

  4. @JasmineAlanis2

    It’s all by design

    The reading by Maria Popova and Massimo Vignelli were really insightful and helpful in thinking critically about design. The most impactful part of the article by Maria Popova that I wanted to re-share was: Graphic design needs your willing mental participation, even if it’s subconscious. Graphic design is message-sending into the brain. It is a
  5. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 6; Design Thoughts

    One thing that stuck out to me the most from this article was the excerpt on colors. Popova describes how mixing colors can evoke certain moods in a viewer. I’ve been programming for a very long time and my favorite part is designing websites. It’s very rewarding for a design or sketch come together perfectly …

    Continue reading "Digital Storytelling; Week 6; Design Thoughts"

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