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  1. paul bond

    Monkey Shines

    One site/feed/whatever I like following is Behind the Grooves. Occasionally it brings up things I didn’t know about, more often things I forgot about. So today is the birthday of Peter Gabriel’s Security album: I don’t even know if … Continue reading
  2. @MentalWalkabout

    First Recorded Thoughts

    Just some passing thoughts to wonder about. Not exactly sure where it goes from here. -How detailed can on-command imagination get through the use of mental drawing exercises and what effects would it have on the person’s ability to create things artistically? I’ve been thinking about the possible upsides of mental exercises and meditation like…
  3. @abbcass100

    A Week in Review

    I learned a lot this past week. The Daily Creates were fun to go through and spend five minutes thinking about what applied to each of them. I had to spend a little time thinking about a phrase that I hear a lot in my hometown. The assignment bank has a lot of options, but…
  4. @megds106

    Google, You’re Too Smart!

    Good morning everyone! To anyone who might not know, Google is celebrating it’s 21st birthday this month on the 27th. I’m also turning 21 this month but Google is much smarter than I am. This week, I challenged Google to a good ‘ole fashioned game of Pictionary nicknamed “Google Quick, Draw!” The web assignment is …

    Continue reading "Google, You’re Too Smart!"

  5. @madelinewelsh2

    80s were all about crazy clothes, and bug eyes?

    So this assignment seemed silly and fun and I’m all about that life. I chose two of my favorite 80s musicians and I bugified their eyes! Let’s start with the image that turned out the best: it’s Madonna! This image gave me a false sense of confidence. I photoshopped her eyes to be bigger and, ... Read more80s were all about crazy clothes, and bug eyes?

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