Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @eafinto

    A Reflection on Design

    When you hear or say the word “design,” what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Is it clothing design, interior design, graphic design, etc. or something completely different? This week’s focus was on design and how to implement design in different projects! I watched two TED talks this week. One was given […]
  2. @Mburke4UMW

    QU of the WEEK

    The best group that I have ever been a part of was super forced. We were literally forced to spend hours together, add each other on social media, have a group chat, meet up for lunch or drinks. We HAD to spend so much time together and forced to become friends and that is why […]
  3. @Sam_ara106

    Listening to & Learning Design

    Scher and Carson both made me question my definition of design. Some of the “designs” that they showed seemed like everyday things to me. When looking at this image from Scher’s talk, I simply saw a t-shirt. Of course, I knew that shirts have to be created, but I had not seen it as a […]
  4. @Mburke4UMW

    Lets Talk About ME

    Specifically, I am feeling very full. I just got back from a fabulous dinner at Logan’s and it was great quality food. I wish that I hadn’t gone out to eat however, and stayed in and studied more for my exam I have tomorrow afternoon. I saved doing my weekly question and reflection for tonight […]
  5. @umwequestrianista

    Reading and Resource Reflection

    Before this class, I had zero experience with audio and it has honestly been pretty intimidating.  I really like how Jad Abumrad paints this picture in my head without pictures in his description about the importance of connecting through radio.  Co-imagining is a really cool concept that I had never really though too deep about, …

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  6. @Mburke4UMW

    Understanding AUDIYOOOO

    In Abumrad’s first video I understood everything that he is saying and trying to get across. By audio we are forced to paint our own pictures in our minds of what the story is trying to tell us and it seems too cool to me that not one person’s picture is the same. It really […]
  7. @JillianAviva

    Donā€™t Follow Strange Noises

    Exploring Frequnecy 2156  was a unique and fun experience. I really enjoyed its collaborative strategy to creating a digital story. It is intriguing to imagine people from all parts of the world experiencing the end and trying to communicate with one another. This crowd-sourced audio lets the listeners add in to the story and continue the stories of …

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  8. @keyris22

    What About Audio ?

    My experience with audio is limited to just listening to music and ebook. The only time I have made an audio is when I am making a recording of me specking for my foreign language class. I have never had any interest in doing a recording of my self in ...
  9. @jetjenk43

    My Radio Transmission From Cape Town, Africa!!!! Frequency 2156

      As a digital story I feel this website Frequency 2156  nailed the digital story aspect.  The multiple different audio files from numerous amounts of individuals help to paint a picture of what is going on within the individuals and what is going on around them.  Each audio file from different parts of the world show …

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  10. @jetjenk43

    Radio is not Deadā€¦.It is very much still Alive!!!!!!

    I would say that I listen to audio almost everyday whether it be the radio, Pandora while I work out, or talk shows on the radio.  But to that extend I have very limited knowledge of what takes places behind the scences behind the microphones.  I tend to listen to more of the early morning …

    Continue reading "Radio is not Dead….It is very much still Alive!!!!!!"

  11. @Mburke4UMW


    La Jetee was an interesting watch, all of these clips we watch are. This one was different however from others because it was about time travel. We do not get the prisoners name of who was selected to time travel but we know he was selected because of his connection to the past. He is haunted by this […]
  12. @esanbornumw

    Film Reflections and gifs

    Watching the La Jetee, I enjoyed the cinematography because I am also in a Cinema Studies class this semester! All the elements I have learned thus far were helpful and easy to pin point in La Jetee. It was hard to understand at first what was happening. But through each camera shot expressed movement, facial […]
  13. @umwequestrianista

    Films, Reflections, and GIFS

    “Say It Like The Peanut Butter” Create a GIF: http:// via GIPHY This is the GIF I created from Mad Max!  It accurately tells the story of how I feel about this cold and rainy Monday.  I really enjoyed making a GIF… this is my first one and it was so fun!!! My favorite thing …

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  14. @umwequestrianista

    Thinking About Photos

    Tips For Better Photography Page: There were several tips that really helped me change the way I think about taking photos.  One in particular was “change my perspective by changing yours”.  I took this awesome photo while I was at work from an angle I wouldn’t normally consider, but I think it turned out breathtaking!  …

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  15. @Chris_tastrophe

    The Road: Brought to You by Coca-Cola

    The Road I liked this movie so much, I had to do Say It Like the Peanut Butter twice!   SPOILERS AHEAD   I’ll get the ball rolling by being honest: this movie made me cry. I teared up several times, and I thought I was gonna make it – nope. When Viggo Mortensen kicked the bucket, so […]
  16. @eafinto

    Living Life Through A Lens

    Pictures. We take them almost everyday. This week I was tasked on completing and reading some research and information related to photography, and how to get that “picture” perfect photo. I personally have the shakiest hands ever, and when I try to take a picture I have to use both hands because if I don’t, I […]

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