Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92866 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @JasmineAlanis2

    Weekly Summary 1

    For my first week, I set up a few accounts (listed below). Before this class, I had never signed up for SoundCloud. I have never worked with SoundCloud before, but I did have other classmates complete projects with it, and their results were impressive for first time users. I also created a separate Instagram, but … Continue reading "Weekly Summary 1"
  2. @hannahkolkmeyer

    Secret Agent

    As dorky as it may sound I have always been interested in this romantic view of a secret agent, so I love the theme. I remember this little cartoon “Totally Spies” totally wanted to be a spy after that, and who can forget the ultimate James Bond movie. I’m a total movie gal when you […]
  3. @mattmilesds106

    Secret Agents

    I think growing up everybody has this dream of being a secret agent. A lot of our childhood revolved around secret agent shows and going undercover to solve mysteries. Being a secret agent makes things fun because you are able to have a different identity than just yourself. Secret agents in movies are sought after […]
  4. @JasmineAlanis2

    Alanis 007

    My name is Jasmine Alanis. I am a senior at the University of Mary Washington. This is my last semester! I am majoring in Marketing and minoring in Digital Studies. I am so incredibly excited to take this course, I have been trying to take this course for a year but my schedule never allowed […]
  5. @caholt2000

    Secret Agent 106

    The theme for this class is secret agent. I really like the theme. I’ve been watching a lot of secret agent movies lately, so it’s cool that the class follows this theme. I really like the Mission: Impossible movie series and the Bourne series. (Most of what I did over winter break was watch almost

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  6. @tlilyvanhorn

    Secret Agent “ds106”

    I enjoy the “secret agent” and “spy fiction” theme of our Digital Storytelling class. When I was younger, I actually wanted to be a secret agent myself. My family I imagined myself becoming a fearless, sneaky, intelligent yet intimidating, undercover agent. Quite like the romanticized version of James Bond, or the “Martini Flavored” type (or […]
  7. @christinac106

    Secret Agent 106

    I think of many things when I hear the word secret agent. Yes, James Bond may be the first one. However, I believe there are other things that come to mind. Some of these things include; jetpacks, lasers, suits and ties, the color black, undercover missions, London, confrontation, Adele’s song Skyfall, and many many more. […]
  8. @gmoore333

    Secret Agent Theme – Unraveled

    This semester the theme of DS106 is “secret agent”. For starters, I absolutely love this theme. I think it’s so fun. I particularly like that I’m going for that “secret” identity online by only wanting to post art, photography, graphics and basically all things around me that I love and can incorporate into my assignments. […]

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