Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92858 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. amiddlet50

    Absence of detail and the value of ambiguity in art and education

    This post pulls together ideas about the value of ambiguity and space in art and education by drawing upon my diverse experiences as educator, artist, and musician. It wanders! In some ways, it is about creating room to wander. I hope you it connects with your own wanderings. Continue reading ?
  2. amiddlet50

    Playing with time and crossing boundaries: multichronicity #activelearning

    An analysis of the tweetchats revealed that neither synchronicity nor asynchronicity are able to capture the essence of what goes on in such a conversational space. Neither get close to capturing the value of the learning experience. Multichronicity provides a way of looking at the design of experiential learning in settings that accommodate learning ecologies: the academic designer must consider the quality of time spent in and navigating through a learning experience. Continue reading ?
  3. amiddlet50

    Fluency – standing, walking, dancing

    Being able to distinguish between skills, literacy and fluency is a perennial part of my job as an educational developer. This is most visible in thinking about how to communicate and engage people in conversations to do with digital capabilities, … Continue reading ?
  4. amiddlet50

    Mapping my learning: visualising not just being visual

    A few posts ago I thought through some ideas about using metaphorical maps as a way of navigating learning. I want to pursue this here to discover further intersections and connections, especially as we gear up for the collaborative inquiry … Continue reading ?
  5. amiddlet50

    Structure and memory-mapping in #activelearning

    The idiom ‘from pillar to post’ both indicates the role of structure in a journey and cautions that substance, purpose and clarity are needed if an experience is to be fruitful. In the previous post, I discussed divergence and convergence … Continue reading ?
  6. amiddlet50

    Space, walking and non-verbal communications #activelearning

    Learning walks are valuable conversational spaces. They tend to be non-confrontational and, for me, epitomise co-operative learning. Not only do they feel familiar spaces exemplifying a networked paradigm as people move naturally between small groups through the course of semi-structured … Continue reading
  7. amiddlet50

    Learning Spaces twilight walk on #ActiveLearning on Thursday – join us! #SpaceTwalk2020 #ALN

    This is a reminder that this Thursday from 4pm-6pm (UK) our Active Learning Network at Anglia Ruskin University is conducting a learning space walk (#SpaceTwalk2020) and we encourage you to join us from wherever you are – walking in parallel … Continue reading
  8. amiddlet50

    Standing, walking and crawling in action #activelearningNTW

    The Standing, Walking, Crawling workshop I ran at yesterday’s Active Learning Conference worked remarkably well! Here’s the proof. This is what we made when responding to the challenge to design a novel active learning pedagogy unconstrained by furniture. Three groups, … Continue reading
  9. amiddlet50

    Standing, Walking, Crawling and the art of conversational learning #activelearning

    On Tuesday I will be running a workshop at the Active Learning Conference at the University of Sussex. Titled ‘Standing, Walking, Crawling and the art of conversational learning’, it reflects on some of the active learning techniques I have developed … Continue reading
  10. amiddlet50

    Walks as Learning Space

    Learning walks exemplify conversational learning spaces. In this post I reflect on how I designed the learning walk I conducted today for the University of Sheffield’s Faculty of Social Sciences Learning Spaces Group which I am mentoring as they plan … Continue reading
  11. amiddlet50

    Active listening for active learning

    Active Listening sketchnote by Claudio Advocates of active learning must consider the active learning space from many perspectives. For example, I tend to think about space experientially, creating a picture in my own mind of a space that is used … Continue reading
  12. amiddlet50

    #Twalk – a new active pedagogy explained

    This post, and the ones that will follow, reflect on the Twalk as a pedagogy. In particular, I consider how students can draw upon the conversational activity and use the data it generates as the basis for developing and explaining … Continue reading
  13. amiddlet50

    Twalking back to happiness #twalk #spacetwalkLeeds

    Join us for a Twalk , 27th March 2019 Theme: Doing, Being, Belonging, Becoming and Connecting – the role of learning space Venue: Your campus When:  Wednesday 27th March 2019 between 1pm and 2pm (gather at 12.55 and allow time … Continue reading
  14. amiddlet50

    Productive failure, drawing and erasing – exploring visual literacies #twalk #possibilities

    More walking, talking and Twalking (just about) I co-led a Twalk today on the subject of visual literacies as part of Sheffield Hallam University’s Learning & Teaching Conference with my colleague Helen Rodger. It was billed simply as a learning … Continue reading
  15. amiddlet50

    Crashing or connecting? Navigating the #twalk boundaries

    The #connectedlearning space, in its many and various meanings, is central to my thinking about the future classroom. This is obviously epitomised in the concept of the #twalk. It was lovely to hear that Alex Spiers was leading a Twalk … Continue reading
  16. amiddlet50

    A place for imagining – blue skies under the tree canopy

    Myself and a colleague have some difficult thinking to do this week. Exciting thinking, but difficult nevertheless. So, we could book out a teaching room lined with whiteboards for the day and see what happens, but that feels too ‘inward’ … Continue reading
  17. amiddlet50

    The habit of thinking differently by looking more deeply

    An exploration of visual literacies and multiple intelligences There are many reasons why I have committed to exploring the idea of learning walks in terms of learning space and many of those reasons have been discussed here previously. For the … Continue reading
  18. amiddlet50

    Global #Twalkday

    Global #Twalkday Wednesday 3rd October 2018 Theme: Doing, being, becoming, belonging and connecting Time: 3pm GMT (but options for other time zones to be decided) What is Twalkday? The Twalk will be co-ordinated globally and is planned to coincide with … Continue reading
  19. amiddlet50

    #minitwalk demonstrates the flexibility of the #twalk model at #socmedhe17

        Since our first successful use of the #twalk model in May 2017, a number of #twalks have used the model in different situations. Our experience and understanding of the #twalk is growing. A number of us involved in … Continue reading
  20. amiddlet50

    Polycontextual bridging – how to be in two places at once

      Polycontextual bridging (Elstad, 2016) is a useful term that allows us to explore literacies around engaging with hybridity, blended learning spaces and learning literacies. Simply, it refers to the experience of being in two or more places at once. … Continue reading
  21. amiddlet50

    Place is our starting point

    “In Aristotle …we have a very powerful philosophy of place as the starting point for all other forms of existence.” (Cresswell, 2009, p. 2) This year will see the publication of my book Reimagining Spaces for Learning in Higher Education. … Continue reading
  22. amiddlet50

    Twalking as digital placemaking #twalk #socmedhe17

    This 10 minute screencast introduces the key ideas of the twalk concept – learning walks with integrated tweetchats – and the pedagogic rationale underpinning walking, talking, tweeting and thinking. The video is part of the Twalk Toolkit being developed on … Continue reading

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