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  1. @gmoore333

    Google Translate Fail

    3.5 Stars: In this Spanish video, Machu Picchu’s discovery, history, and being today is being analyzed by many members. When the translate comes up for the Spanish transcript during one small segment it looks like this…… nos encontramos en el sector de huayras tambos que está en la parte posterior de la montaña machu picchu …

    Continue reading "Google Translate Fail"

  2. @Katie73536604

    Happily Ever After

    See if you can figure out this story made out of gifs! This story may have been a difficult one to depict, mostly because this story is a twist to the original, Romeo and Juliet. This 3-star assignment was actually a lot of fun to make. I really enjoy assignments that are visual and have the flexibility to be creative. When I first came across this assignment I struggled with deicing which story I should re-create. I toggled with several stories such as Harry potter and Mr and Mrs Smith and then on eof my favorite songs from middle school came on, Love Story by Taylor Swift came on my Spotify playlist. To create this timeline of the story, I pulled up the lyrics of Love Story then began to choose gifs. I wanted to keep all the gifs Disney themed, and for the most part I was able to except for one. I then placed all the gifs in sequential order that matched up with the story. Overall this assignment was a lot of fun! The most frustrating thing about this assignment was when I put everything in order, typed up a good blog and then the website quit on me! Even though it said it saved the work, when I opened it, it wasn’t there. So I had to re-create the story. Only a few gifs changed but the assignment was still fun to put together (the first time).
  3. @tiffmooree

    Assignment Bank #2

    My next assignment was one I wasn’t very excited to do. I was looking for two four star assignments to complete the eight star requirement and this one seemed the most interesting to me. I have never used reddit and I am highly unfamiliar with it. First, I made an account. Then I was able to make a post. The assignment was to make a creepy story, and I had one in mind. A few years ago, my brother snuck out with his friends and called me saying he has just saw slenderman. I freaked out and ended up having a panic attack on my floor. There is nothing worse than hearing your greatest nightmare is a real thing. It was later revealed, however, it was just my brothers friends playing a prank on him. His friend had dressed up in a suit and was dropped off on the route their car would be taking. I chose to interpret this into a creepy story, and made it so that it would be just my brother and I actually encountering the real slenderman. After I wrote my story, I picked a community to categorize it under and I posted it. The website is very user friendly and easy to navigate. This assignment wasn’t necessarily hard, but it did take quite a while to complete due to the writing aspect. I would rate it 4 stars because of this. Check out my story and leave me a comment on if you liked it or not!

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