1. scottc1094

    Edward’s Past

    Assignment (3 stars) This was one of my original assignments, and is one of the assignments that I plan to incorporate into my final project. For this assignment, I had to provide a more detailed look at my character’s past. Edward Creeper was born on the 13th of October, in 1978 (Friday the 13th, if anyone is wondering).… Read More
  2. catscarnival


    Comments, comments, comments… and more to come throughout the week. There’s a lot of good creativity going on! http://ds106.forkinall.com/final-project/the-beginning-of-the-end/#comment-396 http://www.scottclower.org/ds106/edwards-story/#comment-1465 http://theaaronadventure.com/thoughts-and-ideas/final-project-idea/#comment-876 http://bloodyface.artismyescape.com/thoughts-and-ideas/final-project-week-1-progress/#comment-1005 http://deathbyds106.com/final-project/exclusive-expose/#comment-535 http://deathbyds106.com/thoughts-and-ideas/first-tutorial/#comment-534 http://jimjamsbizarreadventure.com/assignments/week-13-progress-report/#comment-424 http://flds106.felicialiu-accounting.com/uncategorized/progress-on-the-final-show-time/#comment-374  
  3. scottc1094

    DS106 Showcase

    Greetings fellow students, my name is Edward Creeper. Today, I have been tasked with finding the very best works from all semester long in DS106. There have been so many good projects created thus far, so this was not an easy decision. But, take a look below for my choices, and as always, keep it creepy!… Read More
  4. ewindley


    Since I really appreciated when I found an assignment with a tutorial I have included one for each of my assignment ideas. Edit a magazine cover in a fun and interesting way. Cerate a comic strip using an online software program. Hope these are helpful to someone else.
  5. ewindley

    First Tutorial

    This is my tutorial for editing a magazine cover in a fun and interesting way and posting a before and after image.  Go online and find a magazine cover and right click on it and select “save picture as” using a JPEG document type.  Then go to your picture and right click on it and select “open with” … Continue reading First Tutorial
  6. ewindley

    Assignment Ideas

    As my two assignment ideas I suggested: editing a magazine cover in a fun or interesting way and posting a before and after image. create a comic strip using a free online comic strip program such as bitstrips.com. Have fun everyone!
  7. ewindley

    Second Assignment Idea

     http://bitstrips.com/r/JNN9K Create a comic strip.  There are a number of free comic strip software programs available online.  Use one to make a comic of your own.  I made this one on bitstrips.com as an example.
  8. scottc1094

    Sports Team Pump-Up Tutorial

    Assignment This assignment asks you to choose your favorite sports team, and then make a video montage of that team. As of writing, this assignment is worth 4 1/2 stars and is an easy and fun assignment, so I highly recommend it! To get started, you will first need to pick a favorite sports team.… Read More
  9. scottc1094

    Bucket List Tutorial

    Assignment This assignment asks you to put together a bucket list collage with at least four different pictures. It is worth 3 1/2 stars (as of time of writing) and is an easy and fun assignment, so I would definitely recommend this one. To get you started, you will first need to think of at least… Read More
  10. gcaron

    Weekly Summary 13

    This week was just a lot of thinking and brainstorming. I think it was pretty easy. I tried to go back through the assignments I’ve done all semester and figure out what I could do. I wanted to try to avoid video and audio but I still don’t know if I can. These next two […]
  11. gcaron

    Weekly Progress on Final Project

    So I didn’t know what to expect for the final project or how to do it but I read the week 13 weekly assignment and started to think and hopefully it will come out good in the long run. My fear with the final project is I’m not very good at the radio assignments or […]
  12. emorelleum

    A Summary to a History

    (A man in a suit and fedora stands before you, leaning on an axe. Despite a blank face, you feel waves of incidental hostility flow over you) Good Evening. I see…my lazy landlord thinks I am a party to his sloth. Surely he did not expect to get away with…such words so easily. Has he […]
  13. emorelleum

    All Thine Bases of Operation

    (A man in a suit and fedora stand before you, leaning on an axe) Good Evening. Many years ago, I found myself…in a world unlike…any I had ever experienced before. Trapped, I struggled to learn how I might…reach out again to this world. I have taken the liberty of…recreating one such attempt. As you may […]
  14. ewindley

    Project Ideas

    I should leave this a blank page . . . because that would sum up my project ideas.  I hope it will all come together this weekend. My host character Esmerelda the fortune teller was made in the image of a comic character.  I take a class at the UMW Stafford campus on Thursday nights … Continue reading Project Ideas

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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