1. @k_heflin

    She’s on the Move!

    Archives For this assignment, we had to create a Vine of an object moving. Since Vine no longer exists, I took the creative liberty of using SnapChat instead. I thought a video of an inanimate object moving is pretty dull so I decided to take a short clip of Agent A on the way to her next mission. She even has her super special secret agent gear on! You can’t tell from the video but the flaps on her hat can actually act as propellers to get her out of any sticky situations she might come across!
  2. @k_heflin

    What’s Free Time?

    Archives For this assignment, I had to video myself (or Agent A in this case) doing something they like to do in my downtime. In this case, Agent A is enjoying her favorite treat, a bully stick. I made a short clip with an introduction and of myself handing her the bully stick and then recorded her chewing it, even with a few close ups! Agent A doesn’t get a lot of downtime from her job as a secret agent but when she does, the bully stick is her go to treat of choice! Its her way of relaxing, similar […]
  3. @UMWdan

    Spy Doggs

    This is a post for this assignment here. This assignment ironically was like herding cats, but instead with dogs. My dogs listen pretty well, but are so hard to sit still together. Anyways, here’s the ad. This was the best of a couple takes and the most they were able to sit still. The video …

    Continue reading "Spy Doggs"

  4. @yjangabc

    Wow it’s already April!

    I’m proud to say that I completed my mission this week =) 3 TDCs were done here, and the rest of the video editing were also complete. It did take a while to finish everything but I had a lot of fun in the process; when one didn’t work, I moved onto the next assignment, and extended my scope of …
  5. @yjangabc

    Dear 16 year old me

    This was my first video without actually filming in person and I am so proud of myself =) I used iMovie for the movie editing software; all of the pictures were from Google Images and the background music was from SoundCloud (Yiruma’s Hope). With the experience I’ve gained from audio editing, compiling both music and clips (in this case, pictures) …
  6. @slotaheather

    Week 11 Daily Create

    @ds106dc #tdc1915 @ds106dc pic.twitter.com/c59WpGBb3s — Heather Slota (@slotaheather) April 8, 2017 @ds106dc @ds106dc #tdc1916 Teach a dance class! pic.twitter.com/3NQJd4p3El — Heather Slota (@slotaheather) April 8, 2017 @ds106dc Can't wait for summer 🙂 @ds106 #tdc1912 pic.twitter.com/pIW8QPle3a — Heather Slota (@slotaheather) April 6, 2017
  7. @slotaheather

    I AM ME.

    Stars: 4.5 I am me. I am Agent Reveal. I decided to use pictures to describe who Agent Reveal is. This is similar to the “Who is Agent Reveal” assignment, but this time, I am talking about who she really is, more personal things with some awesome guitar riffs in the background!    
  8. @NickSebenaler

    New Mission

    A new mission I think we should embark on is researching the life of a true spy.  Basically research the life of one spy and blog about their life. Investigate the type of life they lived and how they keep their identity a secret. You can blog about different missions that they went on or …

    Continue reading "New Mission"

  9. @A_marillo

    Weekly Summary # 11

    This week was hectic. It seems that every time there is a group project, I have multiple exams that week. Thank goodness that I manage my time wisely so I could study, comment on the ds106 site and meet up with my group to record. We recorded and created the video called “Your Guide to […]
  10. @yjangabc

    Agent Nice Guy’s Tuesday

    Tuesday was such as beautiful day that it was the ideal day to film Agent Nice Guy’s feet. I thought that she deserved a break from her Thursday (in reference to Agent Nice Guy’s Thursday, an audio clip that I made previously about how she was running in the rain until the sun finally came out at the end) and …
  11. @A_marillo

    Video Show progress

    April 3: On Monday, Katey, Callie and I meet up and filmed most of our video and audio part. We used the media production studio to record ourselves. We thought it would be cool to film ourselves in darker lighting to give the effect of keeping the secret agent’s identity a secret. I never used […]
  12. @A_marillo

    Mission Ideas

    This week, I was supposed to come up with ideas about a mission that involves the whole class. For a more productive mission, I believe the class should split into groups. One idea for a mission would be a guess the killer game. However, relating to the hack, we need to guess the traitor among […]
  13. @yjangabc

    New mission for all agents

    After enduring many, many arduous tasks (and I mean arduous!), it’s safe to say that we all became connoisseurs in this field (well, maybe junior connoisseur for me). Regardless, some of us, especially me, have learned new skills that will last a lifetime. Honestly, I have never thought that I would be able to utilize a movie maker software. I …
  14. @yjangabc

    Happy 2017!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2017-04-07 18:01:13

    I had a tough time making this video mostly because I have never filmed on my own. It was quite interesting because  I got to experience the actual film process and I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to do so if it weren’t for this assignment. First, I had to think of ideas for making my very own “how to” …
  15. @k_heflin

    Super secret spy mission

    Archives So this week, we were tasked with thinking of a mission for the class. My idea is similar to a scavenger hunt. A mutual super villain is created and the class has a goal of figuring out who it is. We break up into groups to “investigate” and find clues that are strategically placed. Usually I would suggest these be placed on campus or through downtown Fredericksburg but not everyone lives here. An alternate would be to place the clues on the class website and in our blogs. Each clue would have a riddle or something that would lead you to the next […]
  16. @mingea

    Week 11 Summery

    Another week, another summery. This week I did 13 stars of video assingments. I started out with 4 1/2 stars by making the Kingsman Silent. I related this assignment back to our theme by using a spy film (my agent’s personal favorite film) The next assignment was another 4 1/2 stars about my daily routine. … Continue reading "Week 11 Summery"
  17. @mingea

    Spoil a Movie

    For my last assignment, I decided to do Spoil a Movie! This assignment was rated 4 stars, and the task was to create a compilation of the most important scenes from a movie and try to do it in 30 seconds or less. If this was a mission, I would have failed. I could not get … Continue reading "Spoil a Movie"
  18. @hannahbruns7

    Dear 16 Year Old Me…Spy Version

    This video is what my spy, Margaret de la Tour wish she knew when she was 16! To make this video, I pieced together clips using iMovie. I used time lapse mostly for the whole thing. I incorporated various angles and such to make it more interesting than if I just had it one angle ... Read more
  19. @Markham_McFly

    Week 11 summary: how is it already week 11?

    Daily Creates: “Huntsman spiders have evolved to travel through sewer lines and into homes” @ds106dc #tdc1914 nope nope nope nope nope pic.twitter.com/S1Gzu6vBAw — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) April 6, 2017 Fear, uncertainty and doubt are all culminated in grades, especially  this time of year. @ds106dc #tdc1915 the "what if score" function on Canvas drives more fear, …

    Continue reading "Week 11 summary: how is it already week 11?"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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