1. @TurnerM000

    Radio Show Progress

    Our group met earlier this week to discuss the radio and the content we would be including in it. After narrowing that down, we decided to use the 2 required audio assignments to create commercials, bumpers, intros, and outros for our radio show. We sp...
  2. @TurnerM000

    Messy March Logo

    Our radio show is called Messy March. When we came up with this title, although I am not an avid watcher of basketball, I immediately thought of March Madness. I thought incorporating a well known logo into our logo for our radio would be a good way to...
  3. natalie

    Chapter 6 – Californian Sunshine

    from the book Magnetic – Again, just a girl! Sunday morning Flo woke up in San Francisco. Bright blue sky, the sun already shining high with temperatures over 25°, she felt like waking up in paradise. Flo was sharing a room with her friend Ella who had picked her up at the airport. A beautiful… Continue reading Chapter 6 – Californian Sunshine
  4. natalie

    10 empowering, motivational quotes

    “It doesn’t matter how good you are or how bad you are—in the wrong elevator, you’re going to get hosed.” Frank Slootman, CEO of Snowflake “Dream it, wish it, own it!” “Don’t think about what might go wrong. Think about what might go right.” ~ Unknown “There has never been anyone exactly like you, nor… Continue reading 10 empowering, motivational quotes
  5. @TurnerM000

    Weekly Summary 6

    I created 3 Daily Creates this week! They are embedded into this post: Daily Creates I completed 4 design assignments from the assignment bank! Happy Easter to My Little Sisters I’m getting Married! Madi’s Menu ALL animal shelters need dona...
  6. @TurnerM000


    The design blitz was hard because I had to find things around my house that illustrated these concepts. That being said, because everything that is designed, was designed to be that way for some reason, I was able to find some great examples. These she...
  7. @TurnerM000

    Design Thoughts

    I learned a lot from this article. Many every day things that we all use frequently, such as signs, had to be designed at some point. I think that the fact that we sometimes forget how much thought goes into designing things like these, makes it eviden...
  8. cogdog

    Tock, Tick, The Daily Trick

    Most likely I mangled my attempt at wordplay in that title. I’m writing again about my belief/obsession with small acts of daily creativity. I have no real research, no data to back my hypothesis, but I will make up something that applying Curly’s Law to doing something small, new, micro challenging on a regular basis […]
  9. @TurnerM000

    Weekly Summary 5

    Relating to our Theme: This week we focused on story telling using sound. This relates to our theme because sound is another medium in which OUR stories can be told. They say that the medium is the message, and I think that is evident in the assignment...
  10. @TurnerM000

    Audio Reflection

    One thing that Abumrad discussed was how radio shows have a unique feature about them in the fact that you are able to paint a picture in your head of what the story looks like, but it is the listener that ultimately decides what the image in their hea...
  11. @TurnerM000

    From Tree to Shining Tree

    I am not one to typically listen to podcasts, but this week has opened my eyes to how neat they can really be! The ability to tell a story with just audio is very difficult but their use of ambient and background noises throughout the podcast made it f...
  12. @TurnerM000


    I am developing an idea for a radio show. I was inspired by one of the audio assignments we had the option of choosing from this week. The assignment is one I completed, in which I reversed the audio of the song and listeners are supposed to guess the ...
  13. @TurnerM000

    Daily Creates

    This week I completed 3 daily creates! I was really excited to show off my air fryer cookbook with how popular air fryers have gotten lately. It honestly is great and I’d recommend any and all to get one if you have not already. My preferred food...
  14. amiddlet50

    Fluency – standing, walking, dancing

    Being able to distinguish between skills, literacy and fluency is a perennial part of my job as an educational developer. This is most visible in thinking about how to communicate and engage people in conversations to do with digital capabilities, … Continue reading ?
  15. @TurnerM000

    Photo Reflection

    I have absolutely zero experience with photography. This is an exaggeration of course because as we all have smart phones now, or with the existence of apps such as snapchat, taking pictures is something we do quite frequently. I personally do not take...
  16. @TurnerM000

    Weekly Summary 4

    This week we had to complete 12 stars worth of visual assignments. I chose to do these 4 activities! The two analysis posts helped me in creating my visual assignments this week. I made an effort to incorporate ideas of contrast, lighting, and angles t...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

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