1. amelialord

    Red Visualized

    Song Visualization 2 stars “Pick a song (or a minute from a song) and create a video that displays a picture representing the lyrics” I choose to visualize the song Red by Taylor Swift: This song was pretty easy to visualize, the analogies in the lyrics are pretty straight forward in describing the intended visuals. I went with a pretty literal theme. To make the video I google searched for the pictures I wanted(links below), saved them to my desktop, dragged them into a new project in iMovie. Then I uploaded the song from iTunes and had to adjust the length of time the pictures were on the screen by right … Continue reading →
  2. cogdog

    ds106… anyone… anyone?

    We know people love ds106. I love ds106. I know you do. My students this semester are doing some of the best work (especially in terms of representing their work online) I’ve seen since I started teaching this course in January. The UMW Domain of One’s Own greatly streamlined the startup process, Martha and I have made syllabus adjustments (introductory Bootcamp, re-arranging the introduction of audio earlier) that seem to have worked, and having redone the materials now three times, it feels very solid going into my next round (I am teaching it online again for Spring 2013). My focus has been on our sections here at UMW, but we have a good amount of activity as well with Michael Branson Smith’s York College/CUNY section plus Ryan Rish’s class and Darren Crovitz’s class at Kennesaw State University. Yet I cannot help but notice the fall off among our open online ...
  3. cogdog

    The (chess) (gif) Thing

    During the ramp up Election night i was visiting Bryan Alexander, and found a relevant movie to watch, John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982). Relevant? Heck yes- shape shifting monsters that emerge every now and then from the ice? Watching of the early scenes, we smiled at the retro computer chess game that Kurt Russell’s character RJ Macready curses at when he loses This scene cried out to me to be GIFfed; the first one I trimmed out the segment in MPEG Streamclip where he is just drinking his JBs, the glass up and down is a great repeat, and he has a little bit of q wry smile. Its kind of dark (as is the movie). For tis one, I extracted abut 12 frames and imported into The Gimp, dropped maybe 5 that were not critical. I then used the Groom method, lassoing the key area to animate, set as ...
  4. aetherbunny

    Weakly Summary

    Yep, that play on words is totally intentional. On to bigger and better things, right? Last week I explored an awesome clip from one of my favorite films, The Boondock Saints, in the context of Roger Ebert’s “How To Read a Movie” article:   I checked into the making of the movie with a few ...
  5. aetherbunny

    Front and center (and sides!)

    Roger Ebert’s article about how the left, right and center of the screen are often used to indicate a character’s moral standpoint ends up being used to create a visual representation of moral ambiguity in Troy Duffy’s “The Boondock Saints.” It was difficult to find all that  many clips on YouTube with examples of this ...
  6. cogdog

    Not Stuck in the Jaws

    Last week was the part of ds106 where (cue the John Williams score -ba da ba da ba da) we approach maybe the most treacherous waters of creativity (underwater shot of woman swimming, legs kicking). VIDEO As our teaching of ds106 evolves, I”ve found it useful to start each new (new to the syllabus) media with an observing activity, and so as in years past, we have students cue up Ebert”s essay on How to Read a Movie and ask them to look in detail at a scene from a movie. Notching it up a bit, the twist added this year really worked well, what I called “Look, Listen, Analyze”. We provided links to a few YouTube playlists of “great scenes” from movies, and askd the students to choose one (without watching it). The task was then to watch it 3 times, 3 different ways: Before watching the first time, ...
  7. bparsons

    Finding Neemo in Silence

    To me, Return to the Silent Era seemed like such a unique project. It involves taking a modern movie and transforming it into a time piece. To give it an old timey feel, it was suggested to change it to black and white, add effects to make it look antiquated, take away the sound, add ...
  8. kpyrtle

    Becoming a Princess Makes a Girl Do Some Crazy Things…

    One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds This is video assignment 448! It is worth three stars and the assignment description was: “Create a five second video of one archetype from five different movies cutting together one second of each. Examples could include: Prisoners, Thieves, Beauty Queens, Kings, Robin Hoods, James Bonds, Bank Robbers, Assassins, Bad ...
  9. LyndseyLu Smith

    Aiming for the Best! Weeks 11&12 Dailycreates

    Too much Elmo? I think not (: *Dailycreate November 5th* I took a photo that fills the frame of the camera. This dailycreate’s challenge to me was basically the angling.   A Story of a Place in One Single Photograph *Dailycreate November 6th* This photo I took at Ocean City. This is where my family loves to vacation. The beach makes for great family time and meeting new people. I love the beach so much and enjoy all the times I get to go there.   Three… 3D boxes *Dailycreate November 7th* Man oh man I really enjoyed this dailycreate. The objective was to make a 3D object abstract… I … Continue reading
  10. dzim

    Good Will Hunting in the Park

    First off, I choose this clip because 1. I love Robin Williams as an actor and a comedian. 2. Matt Damon. 3. This is just a great movie all around. So the first time watching the park scene without audio you can’t help but get a little bored. Then again, I am more of an ...
  11. ericgreenlaw

    Weekly Summary

    Daily Creates The daily creates this week were really easy.  They weren’t my favorite ones because they were not as fun as many of the others, but they were still nice simple assignments to do in between the others. I … Continue reading
  12. shenika1987

    Weekly Summary 10

    Hello World, I hope all is well and everyone is safe and those impacted by Sandy are recovering well.  This week was well used preparing myself for the upcoming assignments.  Not to mention that my car had to have major mechanical work done this week which broke the bank so I am not too happy ...
  13. shenika1987

    3 Time Review/Eberts

    Three time review definitely made me look, listen, and analyze.  I never knew that blocking out one thing such as volume would make me pick up on different things going on in the scene.  I picked up on lighting when the volume was down and when I closed my eyes just to focus on the audio ...
  14. sgtsocks

    The Beginning of The End

    Ladies and Gentlemen, let it be known, that at the end of week 10, I have finally procrastinated to the absolute last minute to do homework for DS106. I actually have to say I’m pretty proud of myself for keeping up with everything I’m involved with over the past 10 weeks. However, I’m started to burn out and the grind is getting to me. I unfortunately am seeing the ill-effects of having to work, volunteer, and do final projects for classes. I’m cutting back on my work hours and completely turning away from having fun so that I can continue to have good grades as I have my final project … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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