1. Thomas Ella

    The Big Leagues REMIX

    Boom. Last remix assignment. This one’s worth 4 stars. Still a lot, and I feel like the stars system for remix assignments needs balancing, but I’ll leave that for future ds106 generations. For this assignment, I had to take a “Play in the Big Leagues” assignment and “Turn Up The Cheese” on it. Make it ...
  2. Thomas Ella

    What’s Inside: Chelsea Mageland REMIX

    Okay, you guysssss! So for my next Remix assignment, I had to read somebody’s “What’s Inside” assignment in a “Popular Girl” voice. So naturally, I chose Chelsea Mageland’s. I think this assignment speaks for itself. Press play, then click on the image below to follow along: Apparently that’s worth 6 stars? Again, kind of a ...
  3. Feng

    TDC Week 13

    TDC103 image: Take a picture of a word or sign that represents the kind of day you’re having. TDC101 image: Take a photo in which a mirror is a major element. TDC100 image: It’s the 100th Daily Create – Create a photo representing thi...
  4. Gray Kemmey


    I love businesses that stumble into themselves. At first it’s easy to think, “Wow wish I could get lucky and just stumble into such an idea,” but you have to remember, they didn’t get lucky. Usually, they were working their … Continue reading
  5. Gray Kemmey


    Blogger, another Web 2.0 company, is another company that came into itself while working on something else. Evan Williams cofounded Pyra Labs in 1999. Originally Pyra set out to create a web-based project management tool, not unlike Basecamp. However, Williams … Continue reading
  6. Gray Kemmey


    Dropbox is a seriously cool company. First of all, I know you have all used it, if you haven’t do so. It’s awesome. And so is Drew Houston (pronounced like the street in New York City, not the city in Texas) … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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