1. Leslie Truesdale

    Final Checklist

    Its finally here! The end of the semester is upon us and finals are breathing down our necks. My schedule is fairly easy this week (comparable to previous years). I’m giving my thesis presentation tomorrow at noon, conservation biology final wednesday 8:30-11 and amazonian societies final 3:30-6 thursday. Since today is clear, I’m trying to ...
  2. Feng

    Week 14 of Final Project

    Sunday, April 29 Goal: study as much as I possibly can. Oh, and I went to my first bridal shower. Sorry, some of these pictures are really blurry because I was trying to capture all the facial expressions of the bride-to-be but didn’t exactly go ...
  3. Leslie Truesdale

    Tutorial: What’s in your head remix?

    The original assignment was to include images in the silhouette of my own head. The remix card was to show the prequel. So I put images in the silhouette of my past/childhood.   I used Adobe photoshop to edit the original image. I erased the original images in the head using the eraser tool.   I ...
  4. Leslie Truesdale

    Tutorial-Psycho Video

    Tutorials are not my strong suit, I can photoshop the business out of photos and edit videos like no other, but when it comes to teaching someone how to do it, I am not as swift with my words and images. But seeing as its a requirement, bare with me. I’d like to teach you ...
  5. Leslie Truesdale

    Final Projects Post

    My final project this semester was, in the most basic terms, a food diary. Each time I decided to tackle a tough recipe (or even an easy one) I would document it in some way. Being a member of the ds106 community, I tried to branch out from simple pictures and descriptions. I dabbled with ...
  6. Feng

    TDC Week 14

    TDC112 video: Record a video of you drawing DS106 in bubble letters.  TDC111 audio: Record an audio epigraph which you would like to see carved on your headstone.  epigraph by feng_shui TDC110 image: Square is hip! Lose the rectangle. Share a photo w...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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