Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92753 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @cpsc106

    Week 11 – Video Show Progress

    After making our individual trailers, my group met on Zoom and discussed how we wanted to do this final video project. It was pretty cool that all of us had never met before this class and our formed together because none of had groups already. It’s even cooler than all 5 of decided to stay together for an optional group project. Sort of shows the power of the internet. Our
  2. @jollykyles

    Video Show Progress.

    It is completed. The same group of individuals that I was apart of to create our radio show, has come together to finish up a video project. This video was based from 2020-2021 showcasing interviews of survivors that experienced the global COVID-19 pan...
  3. @christinac106

    Getting There

    We did it, we finished filming! Our video show “Girl Power” is almost done and I couldn’t be more excited. Filming today was a breeze, my group mates and I got together and began filming away. Like I mentioned earlier we utilized the outline we created for our show and it helped immensely. By following […]
  4. @CommTweetWithMe


    Week two of video has begun and so far, a lot of this week has just been spent building off of last week, particularly finalizing the final details and filming “Girl Power” the TV show! Last week and over the weekend, my group members and I finalized all of the planning for our video. Over […]
  5. @christinac106

    Making Progress

    Today’s the day, aka filming day! My group has been planning our video out for the past week now and today we are finally going to be getting into action. With an outline put together, we have the basis for what we want to discuss and do in our video show, “Girl Power”. The main […]
  6. @DigitalStoryTeller

    Week 11 Video Assignments

      This week I will be sharing a more personal side of my character Fiery the Dragon. She has chosen to share her pets, her favorite season/ holiday and a few make – up tips. You will discover that she is just your average dragon. Lets get started. Below you will find some videos of …

    Continue reading "Week 11 Video Assignments"

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