1. @Maggieo_13

    Week 4 Assignments

    This week was my favorite week of assignments by far! I had quite a bit of fun taking photos and becoming a better photographer or at least becoming more in tuned with photography in general. Overall I really enjoyed this weeks activities. It was interesting having to analyze my photos and actually think about what […]
  2. @Maggieo_13

    Photo Blitz!

    I started at 10:19 pm. I had 20 mins to complete as many items on this list as possible! I was able to get all but one! The first being something red. I chose a fire alarm! The second being doors of some kind. I chose elevator doors. The third was rage face! So I […]
  3. @k8lynclements

    Mericful’s Peaceful Places

    Place of Peace – 3 Stars For this assignment I had to take pictures of where I find peace. Since we have to incorporate our superhero into one of these assignments I decided to do the peaceful places that Merciful Mise en Place finds relaxing. She finds it peaceful to take walks during the day. She also finds peace in throwing away Betty Croc-ker products when she sees them. She finds that cutting foods brings peace into her life. Finally, when...

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  4. @k8lynclements

    Wonder Woman Reading

    The Life of a Superhero What do superheroes do when they aren’t out saving the world? Well, they don’t call Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman because she is a superhero. She also got her name for how she loves to help out her community. When duty does not call she is at the local elementary school reading to the children. I made this by finding the Wonder Woman image with a plain white background and an image of children sitting around...

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  5. @shleighduque

    Self Portrait

    So, things got weird with this one. I stumbled upon Averaging Concepts Using Flickr and decided to try it since I’d never averaged a photo before. But instead of using pictures found on Flickr, I thought it might be worth it to use a bunch of self portraits. I created the Averaged Portrait assignment to better suit my … Continue reading Self Portrait
  6. @k8lynclements

    Reflecting on Photography

    I do not have much experience with in depth photography. As a kid I always loved to be the one that took pictures but I never got any farther into it than that. I had opportunities to take photography classes but never took them. Currently I take a lot of photos. Photos are such great ways to capture memories so I never miss a chance to capture moments.All my photos are taken on my phone. I don’t think digital cameras...

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  7. @lshaikh26

    The Life of a Superhero

    “The Life of a Superhero” seemed an interesting assignment to me. I used photoshop to combine two pictures. After completing the job as a superhero, my superhero uses tablet and computer in his room and plays games.
  8. @melseykooring

    Photoblitz (Week Four):

    For this exercise, I was instructed to take 20 minutes to try and capture as many photo ideas generated on a list as I could. I was asked to first document the current time I began the blitz. I began at 3:50 In the next 20 minutes, I captured seven photos based off the tasks […]
  9. @melseykooring

    Photography (Week Four):

    Before reading these articles, I never really stopped to appreciate all that happens in photography. I have been tasked to find still shots of superhero movies and analyze them from different photographic perspectives. Below is what I found: Contrast: This is a still shot from the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. I chose this […]
  10. @lshaikh26

    Tongue Twister

    This was my first tweet of the week in response to the tweet of ‘Tongue Twister’. I recorded this on QuickTime Player and uploaded  it at SoundCloud, from where I copied the link in my tweet. https://t.co/24c4iDnRhI@ds106dc #tdc2081 — Laila Shaikh (@lshaikh26) September 21, 2017    
  11. @melseykooring

    Photo Reflection (Week Four):

    Photo Reflection: My previous experience with photography, you ask? It is none existent. I used to run from people holding a camera and I never intended on picking one up. I used to be extremely self-conscious about literally everything. So there is no wonder that I didn’t want any documentation of my old self. My […]
  12. @ldeitrick

    WONDERful art.

    Let’s talk photography. Or more precisely, cinematography as photography. And let’s talk Wonder Woman. If I haven’t already mentioned or dropped enough hints, I love the new Wonder Woman movie. I never knew how empowering a superhero movie could make me feel because I’d never seen a three dimensional, complex superhero who represented me. I …
  13. @Maggieo_13

    Daily Creates Week 4!

    #ds106 #tdc2079 pic.twitter.com/XuFGBRLhIg — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 19, 2017 Is it a shadow of a hand or a see turtle? I'm leaning sea turtle. #ds106 #tdc2080 pic.twitter.com/XWDr5OQbHL — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 19, 2017 https://t.co/YfnJl0F9XX #ds106 #tdc2081 — Maggie O'Connor (@Maggieo_13) September 20, 2017
  14. @Maggieo_13

    Photos in video?

    With in movies there are still shots which can be analyzed as a photograph. It is very interesting to be able to see different aspects of photography but within film. Here are a few examples I could find within film that are also a part of cinematography. Example 1: Selection which is when the photographer […]
  15. @shleighduque

    Ceto Swims

    I was excited when I saw that we’d incorporate our recently-created characters in a visual assignment. I really loved the setting of Ceto’s entrance and decided to recreate it by adjusting the colors of an image that already existed. I figured the best way to approach this was through the Color Changer assignment. In the excerpt I wrote last week, … Continue reading Ceto Swims
  16. @shleighduque

    I, Photog

    While I am interested in photography, I have a lot to learn. I started experimenting with photos when I was fourteen. As I discovered how to use cosmetics, I’d document different looks using the family camera. My frequent practice with self-portraits led me to notice that the pictures I liked tended to have certain qualities: good lighting, an interesting/uniform background, … Continue reading I, Photog
  17. @PamlanyeJordan

    It’s a bird it’s a plane, it’s Little Brain!

    The next visual assignment I worked on this week was worth four stars and was called It’s a bird it’s a plane. I thought this was such an interesting assignment because there are so many photos of famous myths. It is crazy how one blurry picture can keep a myth alive. This project I decided … Continue reading It’s a bird it’s a plane, it’s Little Brain!

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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