Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92860 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 4/12/19

    Well….. after two weeks of constant struggles I have finally completed MY MISSION! Here I am on Tuesday writing my weekly summary after cracking down and fighting my procrastination. For those interested in my laptop update, here it is. I dropped off my laptop on Thursday, with the estimated time I would be getting it back this Wednesday. Safe to say, this would’ve created another hell week. However, it was ready to be picked up on Saturday. I spent the past couple of days grinding all my homework out, so that for once I can enjoy my free time. I think my laptop should be all good! If not, and I have to walk into apple one more time, I might demand a new laptop (because then it would be getting out of control). So after 6 phone calls, $500, a wiped laptop, hours on the phone, and days of waiting, I’M BACK! Let’s get this started, shall we? Our first assignment was to make a tutorial. I am very familiar with this assignment, as I did it a couple weeks ago. I love being able to help people in the class. It took me quite a bit of time to get this class down, but after I did, I want to be able to help others. No matter how easy an assignment is, someone in the class could be having trouble with it! I chose to do the video essay. I really enjoyed this assignment, and it could be one to have trouble with. I’ve done two video essays and two tutorials in the past few weeks, so this I have mastered. All I did was record my screen, put it into iMovie, add a voiceover, a few titles, some music, and I was done! I state in my post that I accidentally found out a really cool new thing! You can actually layer a title over your video, which makes it look fresh and modern. I definitely will be using this more in the future! Next was our assignments! 10 stars of mashup assignments, and two remixes. I really enjoyed the mashup assignments! They didn’t need an extra software to complete and were really fun! For my first assignment it was 5 stars. I had to basically have a conversation with myself. I wanted to relate it to my secret agent, so I made it a text conversation between her and the Secret Agent Headquarters. This headquarters was giving her a mission. I kept it vague to correlate with the typical secret agent lifestyle. All I did was screen record it and put it into my post! I chose to just do this and not edit it because the assignment called for a screen recording. I’ve been interpreting assignments, and for this one, I wanted to keep it authentic. I was also quite confused on how to do this assignment. I didn’t want to take a friends phone, and I also wasn’t home to use my iPad. I chose to use my laptop, but change the sending address from my phone number to my email. This would allow for there not to be double texts sent. I then changed the contact information and sent the texts back and forth! ANIMOJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next was remixes!!! Now these were actually really fun too!!! I liked taking a regular assignment and adding a twist to it. I chose to do an assignment where you upload a photo and talk about why it is your favorite. However, the remix was to turn this around. So I did my least favorite photo. My photo was of the last day my cat Harley was alive. It is also my last photo of him alive. I LOVE the photo (because he had fallen into his water dish) but hate the memory of his death. SIXTENN YEAR OLD ME Posts of the Week: I feel like everyone had really great ideas for our final mission! Everyone is also so creative with their assignments and I love it. This is one of my favorite things to do every week. Looking Ahead: For the mission remix, I wanted to have multiple different peoples ideas, while also incorporating my own. My idea was to use all medias we have used in our final project. Then I went through everyones ideas and picked my favorites and assigned them the appropriate category. Commenting: It still Tuesday, so I have time to comment my butt off, which I intend to do (don’t worry!!!!!!). Daily Creates: WE’RE GETTING CLOSER AND CLOSER TO THE END! WEEK TWELVE IS COMPLETE (and I’m off to bed)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. @tiffmooree

    Even Newer Mission?

    I chose to take my idea, and mash it together with a bunch of different other students ideas. My idea: Use all forms of digital media we have learned about this semester. This includes video, writing, audio, and photos. Video: Spies are missing,...
  3. @jpegman24

    Digital Storytelling; Week 11; Weekly Assignment

    This week, I did the “Mash up Trailers” Assignment I chose two of my favorite movies, Inception and the Dark Knight and put their trailers together. Both a great psychological thrillers so the stories made sense combined. I downloaded each trailer and chopped up each individual scene before piecing it all back together. I’m not …

    Continue reading "Digital Storytelling; Week 11; Weekly Assignment"

  4. @JasmineAlanis2

    Summary: Week 11

    Do I even have to say it? I started my week off right with some daily creates!! Have a look at them! First: I can fly, I just know I can! #tdc2639 #ds106 #dailycreate — Jasmine Alanis (@JasmineAlanis2) April 3, 2019 Second: Mini CooperGiant PandaFootlong Sub#ds106 #tdc2640 — Jasmine Alanis (@JasmineAlanis2) April 5, 2019
  5. @JasmineAlanis2

    Mission Idea

    DS106 agents have gone missing! We are losing more agents every hour! Create missing agent posters and find a way to bring our agents back home. Follow the clues on twitter to find out who is taking all of our agents.
  6. @JasmineAlanis2

    D-D-Daily creates

    First: For my first daily create, I added a caption to a random image. I don’t have much to say about this other than LOOK AT HOW CUTE IT IS!! I captioned the photo with the exact thought that popped into my head when I saw it. I can fly, I just know I can!
  7. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 4/5/19

    After last weeks brutal setback, I decided to get my work done as soon as possible. As I was working through, I realized my laptop was not up to the standards I was hoping it would be after the repair. Once I received my laptop on Friday (dropped it off on Tuesday), I got it back with all of my content on it. This is due to their initial claims of it being the motherboard being false. It was simply the display, but that still did not cut down the cost. I realized that my laptop was still messing up. When inserting a video from my webcam into iMovie, my camera would glitch, almost creating a gif of me before I even hit record. After I captured the video, however, the pictures moved along with the video. Then, every time I have to get on my laptop, the log in screen freezes, forcing me to restart my laptop every time I get on it. Safe to say I was livid. You would think they would have the audacity to completely fix a laptop while it is being fixed, but I guess that’s not the case. I called apple for the millionth time and ended up having to completely reset my laptop, as if I was using a brand new one. I had to take a few hours to set it back up and download everything I was missing. I was told that doing this might fix the problem, but it didn’t. The only thing it fixed was the camera and not the log in screen. So now, I have to take my laptop BACK to apple, for them to send it back out and for me to have to go through the same rushed methods of last week. So for now, I’m grinding out my homework in order to get everything done and for them to fix it. BUT LETS GET STARTED First things first was the assignment banks. I normally do as many 5 star assignments as possible so that I can get the stars done. This is because I’d rather do harder work, than write a bunch of different blog posts. However, it was quite hard to find 5 star assignments in the bank. I chose to do 2 four star assignments and 1 two star. I also realized that the star ratings change quite easily. Assignments I had saved would go from 5 star assignments, to 2 star assignments, and I’d have to go through the bank to find different assignments. My first assignment was 4 stars. This one I was quite excited about. It was basically like the video essay we did last week, and I loved that assignment. I chose this one because of that. I chose the same movie, Amelie, because I felt like this movie is perfect for these essays AND she is the inspiration for my character, and thus related to the course. I did however choose a new scene, as I didn’t want to basically do the same assignment. I also wanted to add a little twist. Instead of focusing on every single thing we learned last week, as I felt rushed when I was voicing over, I chose to focus on one aspect. Camera angles. I felt like this scene had AMAZING camera angles and were perfect for this analysis. I also chose to keep the entire clip whole, as if I didn’t it would once again take away from the meaning. I read through the syllabus and added title/ credit slides to each video I made, and made my posts about them up to standards (by adding a screenshot of my iMovie screen into the blog post), but this is the only one I didn’t add music to. I felt like by adding music it would distract from the true meaning of the video. My next assignment was four stars as well. For this one I had to chose a software and explain how to use it. I chose to do this for clip grab. I know this may be a very simple tool to use, but someone in the class may need to either know about it or still know how to use it. This software helped me immensely with the video section of this course. I added music to the beginning and the end of this assignment as well. I had to google how to screen record, and after that, I made a recording of how to use it and put it into iMovie and added a voice over. I was intimidated by iMovie in the beginning, but it has proven to be a lot easier than I had thought. My last assignment was 2 stars. This one was pretty simple and easy to execute. It was a letter to my 16 year old self. I also chose to relate this one to my character. However, I also felt like our secret agents are supposed to be us, so I didn’t change many of my details, just made them very vague. This way, it is obvious it isn’t SPECIFICALLY my life, but it is Amelies (kinda confusing). I really did enjoy this assignment, I haven’t had to do anything like this, so it made it very unique. I added music to the beginning and the end because I felt like it fit. I found a photo of a letter, made it fit my voiceover, and it was complete! This assignment definitely was a 2 star assignment, but it was a fresh breath of air after always doing highly rated assignments. Our last write up assignment was to create a new mission. I had a hard time thinking of it, but I know I wanted to incorporate everything we have learned so far. Once I new that, the assignment molded itself and I wrote it into the blog post. I really liked working in groups. I feel like its hard to talk to classmates when you’re in an online class, and the audio assignment allowed my group and I to have people to talk to if we ever had trouble. My group was also amazing at getting the radio show done, so I would love to work with them again! Posts of the Week: I’ve said countless times how I love doing the posts of the week. This reminds me to always be commenting and forces me to do it. It also allows me to find great posts from my peers and become inspired by their ideas. I also love how Professor Bond posts the winners of the week on twitter, which always makes me want to strive to be on there and put out great work. Daily Creates: Commenting: With the posts of the week, I have been commenting more, which I a win win. WEEK ELEVEN IS NOW IN THE BOOKS!
  8. @tiffmooree

    New Mission

    I think for this new mission we should incorporate everything we’ve learned in this class so far. This means incorporating video, audio, and photography. I think for this assignment we should get into groups again and create the idea behind ...

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