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  1. @bfrullads106

    Summary- Week 3

    This week has been by far my favorite week so far. Potentially the reason for this is a mix of the fact that writing is one of my favorite forms of being creative and that I was very proactive in getting the assignments done so that they didn’t conflict with my time during the week […]
  2. @tiffmooree

    Weekly Summary 2/1/19

    This week seemed like it was draining, but it was all because I got all of the work done in a shorter amount of time. Finally being comfortable with the format and processes of this class, I am able to now get my work done as soon as possible. I do this because I equally enjoy it, and want to get some stress out of the way (is there anything wrong with that?). First, I read the The Digital Storytelling: Creating Narratives for New Media chapter. This was enlightening and offered sort of a text for this class. It really gave some introspect to what we’re doing and offered supplementary learning regarding what digital storytelling really is. This helped my thought process regarding the material we had to do for this week. Then I watched the short video from Vonnegut on The Shape of Stories. This video was quite old, but relative. I enjoyed how he joked around while getting his point across. Sometimes learning videos can be agonizing, but his sense of humor made the short 4 minutes ACTUALLY feel short. Then I brought all of these ideas together in a Story Analysis. I chose to do Kingsmen (once again, as I wrote my Slack comment on this last week). I chose to do this movie because I am able to recall it the best and reflect on what made it a perfect candidate for the analysis. I was originally going to do S.A.L.T. but in order to do this I was going to rewatch the movie to refresh my memory. Let’s just say commuting to an 8 a.m. this morning got the best of me and my hysteria led me to take the easy way out (as I probably should not admit this). I have to give myself credit though, for doing all my work and not just calling watching a really good movie doing homework. I read some blog posts about how other people interpreted this assignment before doing it, and I enjoyed how one blog in particular used gifs from the movie in their post, so I used this idea for my post as well. I enjoyed diving deep into the story of this movie to decipher it’s true meaning and how it relates to spies. Next was the character dossier. I thought this would be more difficult than it was. I am not very creative, and that seems to be a weakness of mine. I can barely even draw a stick figure without being ridiculed. However, I always seem to amaze myself when it comes to writing something out. Obviously it’s not up to par with Shakespeare, but it’s pretty accurate for a college student who is trying really hard in a class. I thought the dossier cover page completed the assignment perfectly. It really tied everything together. I found the image of my character off of google, and I don’t think it could fit her and her beauty any better. Her story might be a little far fetched, but this is a storytelling class, so stories should be as crazy as one desires. I did have some friends start to shout out some ideas for her, but some of them were even too far fetched for my character. I asked what her favorite possession should be and I had someone scream back at me, “A SIGNED JOHN WALL JERSEY.” I guess that’s what I get on asking a group of men advise for a female character. The writing assignments were tedious but rewarding. Last week I did a couple haiku’s and I found a couple assignment banks with haiku’s that I did. Haiku’s are simple, but actually quite interesting. In my head, when I write them I have a specific meaning behind them, but since they’re so short, they have to be vague, and the reader can interpret these short poems into an array of different messages. I wrote a haiku about myself and my growth. I found this so pure and it boosted my self esteem. Sometimes you don’t realized how much you’ve grown until you reflect back on your past, which is exactly what I did to write my haiku. The next haiku was to write one about haikus’s. Some inception vibes there I might add. This one was longer, but more difficult. However, this was such a cool concept that I had to do it. It wasn’t too difficult once I got the ball rolling, and I think it turned out pretty decent. My third assignment bank was to make a bucket list. This assignment really caught my eye. I’m sure you can relate, but all the time I say something is on my bucket list, but never actually record it to make a complete list. I thought this assignment was going to be the easiest of them all, but it proved some difficulty. I thought my list would come flowing out as soon as I made the post, but this was not the case. I actually had to go onto Pinterest to get ideas to comprise the list, and after that, the justifications on why I chose those tasks was easy. The last daily create of the week was to write about living a day as someone else. This assignment made the ten star limit into a ten and a half star total overall. I used this as an opportunity to incorporate the spy theme and my character I made in the character dossier. It was incredible to make up a person from scratch, and then have to write an interesting story to live a day in their life. I opted for something a little more unusual. I chose to talk about her getting captured and her recollection of the events before. This was one of my favorite assignment banks I have done so far. I really enjoy the daily creates. They provide an incentive to check what’s going on with the class and contribute everyday. This is a great way to keep the class rolling all together and provide a form of constant communication. Last week in my weekly summary, I expressed how I should have started these sooner, then essentially I could pick if I wanted to do a daily create or not without being forced to due to the fact that I wouldn’t get the necessary amount. I ended up doing three in a row and completed them way earlier than I did last week. I have gotten a lot better at commenting over the past couple of weeks. Obviously it is a task to comment on posts everyday, but this is the concept I have improved the most on. I try to comment on at least three blogs every time I get on my computer through out the day. This is something that I still need to work on, and comment more, but there is nothing better than to see improvement in yourself in such a short span of time. Next was the Slack comment. I emailed Professor Bond to see if we should make a blog post about this and soon after he made a Slack page for these questions. I had already been thinking about them, so once I got onto Slack, it was super easy to express my opinions. Questions: What makes a good blog post title? A creative title? How does a title make you want to read the post?How is writing for the web different? How does it change the way we write? My Response: A good blog post title has to be a play on words or just blatantly catchy. For example, if I had a food blog post I could make the title, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” A creative title is an intro to your work. It makes the audience WANT to go onto your blog and dive into all of the posts. If you have something mundane, your audience will think that that is how you’ll write. If you show some life in your title, you’re more likely to get people to see your blog. This plays into how a title will make you read a post. It’s almost like a hook for an essay, you title is designed to give an overview of your topic while reeling readers in to reading into your blog. This also makes readers want to dive into your other posts. Writing on the web is different because there are no rules. You can write about whatever you want without consequences or someone telling you you can’t. It is also more convenient, as all you have to do is type to your hearts desire, when normally you would have to have some form of writing materials and a way to get your writing posted. It changes the way we write because now we can write however we want. We can write more laid back, or more proper, or even whenever we want. I believe having the web changed how we write for the better. And that is the end of week three! Overall, I am enjoying this class. It is allowing me to see that I can be creative after all! I greatly enjoy the amount of freedom we have to do our assignments, while also sticking to a syllabus that offers guidance. Each week, I tend to enjoy the class more and more. This weeks work I took into my own hands to get done as early as possible, and even though I pack all of my work into a few days, I enjoy it like that. I love how we have the opportunity to do this, and I look forward to the weeks to come!
  3. @tiffmooree

    Assignment Bank #4

    by This last assignment bank took the most creativity. I haven’t written my own personal short story since probably elementary school. The only thing I’m used to is essays. I wanted to challenge myself and see how well I can tell a short story. Overall it was generally easy. I didn’t make an outline or anything, I just let the story flow out of me. I used this as a chance to connect this to our theme. The assignment basically states to imagine yourself as someone else and write about it, and I didn’t specifically state that this was an alter life, it was implied. Tying this into our theme made this assignment a whole lot easier. It gave me a specific topic to write about. Being creative with it was a lot more fun that I originally thought. I thought this assignment would be a hassle, but it was honestly one of my favorite assignment banks from the past couple of weeks. It took the most time, but it was the most rewarding. Pushing myself was definitely worth it.
  4. @tiffmooree

    Assignment Bank #3

    by I was very interested in this assignment. All the time do I say that something is on my bucket list, but never write it down. I thought this assignment would be easier than it was. I thought as soon as I was thinking of things I wanted to put on my bucket list, ideas would shoot out onto the page, but nothing came to me. I had to go to Pinterest for inspiration, and after about fifteen minutes I had my five things complete. Writing about why I wanted to do them were really simple, as I listed things I genuinely wanted to do. I wrote all of the things I wanted to do onto a sheet of paper and then went to my blog to make a post explaining everything. I plan to keep this as a part of a new bucket list that I will remember forever. I will add to it and eventually have a complete list that I will carry out through my life. I made a bucket list years ago that I thought I had stashed in my closet, but it wasn’t there. I either did everything on the list, or eventually thought it was time to part with it because I wasn’t interested in the events on it. I’m super excited to have started a new one. I hope to actually carry out the actions on it this time.
  5. @tiffmooree

    Assignment Bank #1

    by For this assignment, I had to write a haiku about myself. It could’ve been about a hobby or something I’m passionate about. I opted to write about my growth. Over the last few years I have seen myself grow an immense amount. Before college, I went through some things people never have to go through. These leave scars that never heal. However, through the power of myself and those that love me, I have been able to grow and become so proud of myself. I know that if I can get through those obstacles, I can get through anything. I know my future is bright. I know there is always a way to be happy. A quote I live by is, “sometimes things fall apart so better things can come together.” This quote is very true to me. Personal growth is one of the most amazing things. I love to think back on my struggles and know how far I’ve come. If I have grown this much in the last couple of years, nothing can stop me for the years to come. I am stronger. I love how a simple haiku can tell such a big story. It was quite easy to write, as everything I wanted to say fit the syllables and I just wrote it onto paper and composed it into a tweet. I rediscovered haiku’s in last weeks assignment banks, and I throughly enjoy them. They can be interpreted so much by the audience. There really is no right meaning behind a haiku. This is reflective of life.
  6. @bfrullads106

    Week 3 – story analysis

    Jason Bourne: Where are you now?Noah Vosen: I’m sitting in my office.Jason Bourne: I doubt that.Noah Vosen: Why would you doubt that?Jason Bourne: If you were in your office right now we’d be having this conversation face-to-face. The bourne Ultimatum, 2007 The story I have selected to analyze for this assignment is the Bourne Ultimatum. The Bourne Ultimatum is the third film in […]
  7. @jpegman24

    Digital Story; Week Two; Weekly Assignment One

    For the Assignment Bank, I chose the Wayback Machine assignment. In this assignment, the user had to pick a favorite site and compare it’s previous design to the current website. As a kid, I loved playing the online game “Club Penguin”. I decided to compare how the website used to look. Through this assignment, I …

    Continue reading "Digital Story; Week Two; Weekly Assignment One"

  8. @JasmineAlanis2

    007’s Weekly Summary #2

    This week was really fun for me. I really enjoyed working on the daily create challenges. They definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. To read more about my process and how I created those images, I have written a blog post detailing all of it.   @ds106dc Ella can help with any problem
  9. @JasmineAlanis2

    007 takes on DailyCreate

    My first #dailycreate challenge was to explain something technical with animals. I was really excited about this challenge because I had an arsenal of cute puppy pictures on hand. Featured in my first daily create tweet is Ella! I made the image below by using Canva. I really enjoy creating images on Canva, it is
  10. @bfrullads106

    Week 2 summary

    Hello there, fellow agents! Week two is coming to a close, and now I get to take a moment to reflect on the things that I have learned, enjoyed, disliked, and accomplished overall. After intercepting and decoding a classified video stream between two operatives (which is now available on YouTube here), I spent the first […]

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