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  1. @eendip

    This Doesnā€™t Belong Here

    I did the 4-star ā€œThis Doesnt Belong Hereā€ mashup assignment where ā€œyou need to mash up two different iconic movie scenes. However, you should aim to be as subtle as possible. Perhaps a famous prop that simply doesnā€™t belong or a character that looks a little out of place.ā€ I must admit that it was...
  2. @HumIsDum

    The Harvā€™s Island Theme Sounds Very Familiarā€¦

    by Thomas Pulsifer For Audra Youngā€™s 4-star prompt, ā€œSimilar Songs,ā€ I was trying to think of what songs I might know that sound just like another song. After struggling to think of an example, I decided to take a break and play the recently-updated Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In the game, I visited the homeContinue reading "The Harvā€™s Island Theme Sounds VeryĀ Familiarā€¦"
  3. @eendip

    Mashup Those Movies ā€“ Remix

    I did the ā€œMashup Those Moviesā€ mashup assignment where you ā€œTake elements from multiple movie posters and mash them up into one. You can change anything- the caption, the title, the main image, etc. Lastly, make it seem like it could be a real movie.ā€ But, I decided to remix this and for the remix,...
  4. @eendip

    Iā€™m Ready for My Closeup ā€“ Remix

    So I decided to remix the ā€œIā€™m Ready for My Closeupā€ mashup assignment where you ā€œtake a dramatic closeup of anyoneā€™s face ā€“ an actorā€™s, a friendā€™s, your own ā€“ and superimpose a landscape or scene over the face. Since this is a mashup, get crazy with it. Take two completely unrelated images and put...
  5. @jwcpsc

    Mash-Up Assignment: Favorite Movie Clip

    For this assignment I decided to go with one of my all time favorite movies Harry Potter, I just chose the first one, and edit some of my favorite movie clips from the movie that explain the plot. I decided to focus more on the first half of the movie just to keep the video ā€¦
  6. @PabloMccrimmon


    For my second mashup assignment, I created a short talking animal segment. Specifically, I took footage of my cat Dinah me0wing and overdubbed various iterations of Marlon Brandoā€™s ā€œStella!ā€ from A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). More like A Streetcat Named Dinah, am I right? Initially, I was only going to use Brando, but I ultimately [ā€¦]
  7. @jwcpsc

    Mash-Up Assignments: Animoji Karaoke

    My go-to Animoji is the poop, donā€™t really know why it just is. Maybe itā€™s the way the top of the swirl moves every time your head moves but I just love that Animoji. I decided to do the song Know Your Enemy by Green Day because I was in a heavy metal/rock and roll ā€¦
  8. @jwcpsc

    Mash-up Assignments Remix: Is This The Right Movie/Turn Up The Cheese

    I saw this assignment and I immediately got an idea to create a summer/ spooky contradiction movie poster. I clicked the remix button just to see what it would give and then decided to roll with the remix and make it extra cheesy. I was using instagram as an editing program for the picture so ā€¦
  9. @haylie5800

    Iā€™m ready for my close upā€¦

    These was really funny to create because I ended up going down a rabbit hole of celebrity memes. This assignment was to pick a celebrity close up and then add it to the background of a unrelated feelings. To get things started I google ā€œcelebrity close up funnyā€ and I scrolled and scrolled. I came ā€¦

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