Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92934 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @MoB4884

    Radio Show Ideas

    Here are some of my ideas for a collaborative radio show! share funny stories/memories from our childhood talk about our highs and lows of college – favorite memories, hardest assignments, hardest classes, friends we made, etc. talk about our majors – what we love about it, what we hate, how people reacted when we told […]
  2. @MoB4884

    Live Tweeting

    This was my first time live tweeting while listening to something. The story itself was super creepy and kind of made me question my own dreams and why they happen. The sounds in this story were so unique to the time period, from the static of the microphone, to the old school sound effects used. […]
  3. @hrashhDS106

    Moon Graffiti: Time In Space

    I’m gonna be honest. I do not enjoy listening to podcasts and audio storytelling (apart from music) in general. I tend to become very bored very fast. I also get distracted very quickly and realize I don’t really know what is going on. I’m more of a visual person and and I understand the story better. However, the sound effects […]
  4. @MoB4884

    Just Working Things

    When thinking about what my daily life sounds like, I though a lot about my work life. I work retail and getting up and going to work is a DRAG, but ya know, gotta get that $$. So, I thought it would be funny to make a shortened version of my daily struggle to get […]
  5. Downes

    Snow and Cedars

    February 22, 2021. It snowed pretty much all day today. This is a shot of some neighbourhood cedars in the snowfall, taken on my daily walk. Today was reasonably productive: I did a video session, wrong a blog post, and read a bunch of things/ But my e...
  6. @MoB4884

    Ted Talk

    For my third assignment for this week, I chose to do a Ted Talk. The assignment was to listen to the way the speaker emphasized words and pauses, and try to recreate it using his speech. I’m always super nervous when it comes to public speaking, so this was definitely something that I needed practice […]
  7. @MoB4884

    When ~Corona~ Ends

    In the assignment bank this week, there was an assignment to change a rap song lyrics to post apocalyptic lyrics. I got the idea to change the “post apocalyptic” part to something Covid-19 related. This song came on the radio a few months ago and I substituted “September” with “Corona” and thought it would be […]
  8. @RMdigitally

    Sounds Like Week 5

    I’m not gonna lie y’all, this week was a struggle! I have never worked with audio editing or Audacity before, so I was really intimidated by the workload for this week. I also ended up getting behind on my schoolwork, so that made doing creative work a little more difficult, but I think I’m actually…
  9. @MoB4884

    Radio Bumper

    Here is my radio bumper for ds106 radio! It was definitely a little strange making this. I tried to make my voice as smooth as possible (like most radio dj’s) but tried to make it fun and upbeat!
  10. @MoB4884

    Sound and Stories

    After listening to Moon Grafiti, it is evident what a key role sound plays in our ability to visualize information. Sound has the ability to set moods and create emotions. When listening to Moon Grafiti, I felt like I was there, in that moment, listening to them. The sound was so raw and real, the […]
  11. @MaddySlunt

    Radio Show Ideas

    Podcast format where we read ‘viewers’ stories/problems and give advice Guest speaker, use clips from celebrity audio and mix them with our own questions Reading/reviewing funny/crazy stories Feature specific artists before or after playing their music where we tell a story from their lives Us listening to a murder mystery podcast for the first time… Continue reading Radio Show Ideas
  12. @MaddySlunt


    I found it really hard to keep attention to the story that was played during the radio show on Monday night. I am not sure why, but I will be working the next few nights when the radio show is on. I am just nervous that my participation wasn’t good enough because I couldn’t hear… Continue reading Radio
  13. @MaddySlunt


    I was really nervous to do this assignment, especially because I am constantly in a house with 10 people living in it, so there is so place of peace and quiet. I knew I would have to do this assignment in a closet whispering because the mic needed to be close to my mouth in… Continue reading Bumper
  14. @virgonarrie

    Sound Effect Story

    This pandemic started with spring break and has yet to end. In my “story” I incorporate us packing for break, enjoing time on the beach, and then going home to never return again.
  15. @virgonarrie

    Recreate a Scene Using Sounds

    Do I even need to explain this? If you have seen this movie series then you know that this is the most iconic scene ever!!! When I read the assignment requirements I immediately knew what I wanted to do. I have some baseball sounds and then obvi...
  16. @madelinek106

    A Suspensful Sound Effect Story

    I wanted to create a somewhat scary story for my sound. Here it is: Imagine you are just getting home from work on a rainy spring day. The birds are chirping, but the thunder and rain have made it very dark outside. You open your creaky door and notice a fire is crackling in your fireplace. That’s weird. […]

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