Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Downes

    Mourning Doves

    March 21, 2020. The doves were too large for the bird feeder but since I just filled it yesterday there was plenty of food on the deck. Quiet day indoors today; too cold for cycling at -4 and windy. Maybe tomorrow. Getting my car tires changed Monday. ...
  2. @cpsc106

    Week 9 – Weekly Summary

    That was quite a week. Collectively my household temporarily lost four jobs. Times are tough but it is oddly calming knowing that there are millions in the same position. This week was the first time I got to be on a radio show! Even though it was just the class radio, it was super exciting. Secretly, I made notes just to prepare. Personally, I would love for our class theme
  3. @cpsc106

    Week 9 – Radio Listen

    It was a lot of fun being on the DS106 radio! I was pretty nervous, but I was very focused and excited. I got my friend to listen to the show and a couple of my group members were listening. Thank you for Professor Bond for setting up the Skype call! It was pretty cool hearing my group project being presented live. I think we did a great job of
  4. @VhudschNor2

    Assignment Bank Sound From Hell Redo

    I enjoyed the assignment bank, sound from hell ( ), as it was fun to create such horrible noises by importing code not designed for audio as a sound with Audacity’s import raw data feature. I decided to use this opportunity to create a worse sound, and created it by reading a high-pitch […]
  5. @VhudschNor2

    Ideas for future Projects

    I thought the radio show worked well, and perhaps we could do something similar and create, fittingly for the 1980’s theme, Radio Show 2: Electric Boogaloo, which would produce a show similar to the first radio show, but longer. There could also be a video show, with instead of being just audio, the a show […]
  6. @Maeve_ds106

    Daily Creates Connection

    This week our Daily Creates had a bit of an extra challenge attached to it – we needed to create a connection between all three – perhaps a story. My first daily create was Wednesday, which has us create a Holi inspired art design using a Google Easter egg (it is actually a fun little […]
  7. @VhudschNor2

    Connected Daily Create Story

    Upon walking into a Walmart at 4:00 am, a man wandered into the painting isle, looking for more paint buckets to store water drinking in, but as the man was climbing the ladder to reach the paint bucket, the man slipped and fell down upon the fresh lead-based paint supplies below, bathing everything in a […]

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