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  1. @MeMcMe3

    How Does a Song Make You Feel? 1.5 Stars

    I chose Once in a Lifetime by The Talking Heads for this writing assignment. I’ve always really enjoyed The Talking Heads from a musical standpoint, and this is likely one of my favorite songs by them. This song makes me feel hopeful, yet instills realism at the same time. David Byrne, the frontman, said that …
  2. @Carrie F.

    Live your Life!

    Live your life! You’re free; be free! I feel that this song is very positive, uplifting and is fitting for this class, as we are tackling these assignments while simultaneously exploring employment opportunities and participating in other meaningful activities. This song reminds us to ignore the haters and any other source of negativity that does …
  3. @camowalker22

    Week 3: Assignment Bank

    Who Inspires You Someone who inspires me is Gary Vaynerchuck because he is brutally honest about how life is and how you need to be in order to make money and live the life you want. He doesn’t care about what others think of him at all and he preaches that you shouldn’t care what…
  4. @grace-ds106-2019

    How Does This 80s Song Make Me Feel?

    I chose Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics which was initially released in 1983. Throughout the whole song when there were lyrics and instrumental I felt powerful and confident as a human being. Then, when it was just instrumental breaks I felt very dreamy and free. I definitely was able to bop and dance to the song …

    Continue reading "How Does This 80s Song Make Me Feel?"

  5. @gmoore333

    Weekly Summary #2

    This week was a really cool week. I finally got to start creating things! First off, I was introduced to Daily Creates. This week, I did four! My first Daily Create was more of a doing than creating. To celebrate MLK Day I decided to suggest that people use their free day to serve others. …

    Continue reading "Weekly Summary #2"

  6. @ArthurDrag1

    How Does a Song Make You Feel?

    The song I am examining is Joji’s Will He: found here:   Pretty easily one of the most confusingly emotional songs I’ve come across in a while, Will He is very strange. It very obviously a sad song about a break up, but the chord progression is haunting. The video adds to the mystery of emotions in … Continue reading How Does a Song Make You Feel?
  7. @Alexis54552906

    White Flag

    My final assignment for the assignment bank was to pick a song and explain what the song makes you feel. Here is my tweet regarding the assignment! Look at the full description of the assignment here. For this song, I think about how you can never give up and should always keep fighting #WritingAssignments2042 #ds106 … Continue reading "White Flag"
  8. @PamlanyeJordan

    How does this song make you feel?

    My last assignment bank writing assignment for this week was worth 1 and 1/2 stars and it was called How does a song make you feel? “Choose a song that elects a certain feeling within you. Copy the youtube/soundcloud URL to a Twitter post, and tell us what feelings this song brings you. Does it … Continue reading How does this song make you feel?

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