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  1. @EmilyHutchins8

    A Day in the Life of Captain Synapse

    Name: Captain Synapse Power: Empathic- Ability to sense and control other’s emotions Mission: To rid the world of negative emotions and promote happiness Every morning, I wake up early in the morning. The alarm goes off at 4 a.m., so I can help those with negative emotions on their way to work. I get rid of all of the, “this is stupid/ I’m stupid”, “I can’t do this”, “I’ll never be capable” thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. I wake up and eat a nutritious breakfast (reading minds burns a lot of calories and is exhausting) and then soon after that my iEmotion phone alerts me of those who are having negative emotions and leads me to them. I move from building to building, street to street to help those in need. I am constantly at war with my enemy Doctor Negativity who works to combat the positive thoughts I create and wreck havoc on the world through negativity. By the end of day, I am back with my family who have no idea what I do during the day. The next day it all starts again.   Doctor Negativity’s mind is impossible to alter. Luckily, I have recently discovered that he has a weakness for puppies. Doctor Negativity’s powers fail when he is in the presence of a cute puppy, so I have devised a plan to make sure he is always in the presence of a puppy. I visit headquarters to alert them of the plan and to pick up Fluffy my new partner. This puppy is no ordinary puppy, it is a super pup. We inform Fluffy of his mission, which is to have Doctor Negativity fall in love with him and to never leave Doctor Negativity’s side. The plan works perfectly and after a few days there is no more negativity in the world and Doctor Negativity is spending his days playing with Fluffy, and he has even taken up a new pastime of helping save the animals of the world. My job may be much easier now, but I will always be on watch and will ensure the spread of positive emotions around the world! I started this assignment by using the Superhero name generator. I filled out the information and then got my name. I read the description of my powers and decided that my superhero should promote positivity. As I started describing the day, I came up with the idea of having a nemesis. I thought it would fun to have a “cure” for his negativity and realized that no one can resist puppies. I loved thinking about and creating a superhero that could change negative emotions. I thought it was nice to have a website pick my name for me because it allowed me to think outside of the box more than if I had just come up with a name. This story was fun to think of and also helped ease me into creating a character. Until next time, Emily  
  2. @girlycurlyfries

    Day in the Life of a Superhero

    Even though I created this assignment, I don’t like it anymore because I came up with my own Superhero theme and name soooooo based off of that information, I will be creating a day in the life of Malevolent Melody. You can see more information about her in my dossier. I woke up in the … Continue reading Day in the Life of a Superhero
  3. @ana_leino

    A day in the life of the Terrific Dazzler

    I really enjoyed this writing assignment since I’ve always been a creatively-minded person.  When I was younger I used to make up characters that I would draw and write stories about them.  My favorite types of stories to write and read always involved magical powers so having the chance to write something about a superhero’s …

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  4. @k8lynclements

    Story of the Ultra Tiger

    I have tossed and turned all night. Sometimes I can’t control when I transform into a tiger and it keeps me up most nights. The sun is finally rising and it is time to get my day started. I get out of bed, stretch, and wipe off all the orange hairs stuck to my pajamas. I think about how glad I am that I can transform from human to cat so that I can have thumbs and don’t have to...

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  5. @Hannah Woehrle

    A Day in the Life of a Superhero

    For my superhero writing assignment,  I picked the “A Day in the Life of a Superhero” assignment. I was drawn to the random superhero generator, because I’m still brainstorming for my character dossier, and I wanted to save my best ideas for that. I went into the generator and selected a) a random name and …

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  6. @courtkneelane

    Super Fly Diamond Fly

    Her name was Diamond Fly… She was once a scientist, but one of her experiments exploded giving her awesome, but unexpected superpowers. When she woke up from the explosion, she was able to turn her skin into diamond and vomit clothe-dissolving liquid. The diamond skin allowed her to fight anyone and never be destroyed because … Continue reading "Super Fly Diamond Fly"
  7. @PamlanyeJordan

    A Day in the Life of Venus Shadow: Writing Assignment

    A day in the life of me Venus Shadow begins with breakfast, even superheros need the energy of the most important meal of the day. Then after I have my bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich I begin fighting crime with my trusty sidekick, Shade who is a black lab, and the most loyal companion ever. … Continue reading A Day in the Life of Venus Shadow: Writing Assignment

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