1. @A_marillo

    Twitter Polls

    I always participate in a polls on other sites but I never really made one before let alone one that was on Twitter. I was surprised how easy it was. I had several days beforehand to participate in other classmates’ polls before I did mine on Wednesday. I noticed that not a lot of people […]
  2. @Alpr1010

    Agent Smith – Week 13 Summary

    Greetings….fellow agents. Seeking out the double agent, I chose agentZero as my choice for interrogation…It seems too obvious that he is the one responsible for current world affairs! Something drastic has to be done about it… Although, it appears he likes Iceland more than Canada….hmm, this will take a deep thinking. I will have to […]
  3. @libcal3

    The Final Mission mission idea

    For the final mission we received four missions that we could choose to take. Agent Amari contacted me to see if I was interested in teaming up again so we decided to work together to solve our final mission. We met up in a shared google doc and hashed out which mission to take on […]
  4. @rayers2umw

    Twitter poll

    At the start of this week I was assigned to create a twitter poll about one of the class’ agents. I chose to ask a question about Agent Zero. I decided to ask what was Agent Zero doing when he left his house yesterday? The answer choices were Prague, McDonalds, to get top secret intel. …

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  5. @libcal3

    Polling Polls

    This is a post about both making and taking polls this week. I was excited about the idea of shaping narratives about the class characters with this weeks polls. I’m going to start off talking about then talk about the ones I took part it and then talk about the five polls I made for […]
  6. @hannahbruns7

    Week 12 Summary

    So. I have had a ridiculously crazy week. Finding time between practices and games and projects and life for DS106 was the struggle this week, I’m just being real. I enjoyed the mashup assignments though; I incorporated video into most of the ones I did because I really enjoyed that week and taking time to make something cool. ... Read more
  7. @hannahbruns7

    I’m Ready For My Closeup

    With this assignment, I took 2 unrelated images and combined them using a superimpose app. I used a picture of Kim Kardashian’s face and I put it in place of a baby’s crying face. I had to put the background up and then take the second picture, cut it out, and put it in place.
  8. @hannahbruns7

    Picture a day

    For this assignment, I took a picture a day from Saturday through Friday. I used imovie to then combine the images and turn it into a movie. I had to line up the faces so it looked better!
  9. @hannahbruns7

    What Color is Your World? 

    For this assignment, I took a day walked around and photographed everything I saw that was green, outside and in my dorm room. I chose the song “In the Mood” because this sounds like a song they would play during World War II and that reminds me of the military and their green uniforms so ... Read more
  10. @NickSebenaler

    Week 12 Summary

    Here is the links to my blog posts I completed this week. Here is the tutorial: Tutorial on X-Ray Goggles Here our the 3 mashups: Holiday Mashup Close Up View Hmm Movie Scenes Here our the two remixes: Cancer Awareness Party Rock in Reverse Daily Creates: @ds106dc #ds106 #tdc1920 Peacefulness makes a happy place happy. …

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  11. @NickSebenaler

    Party Rock in Reverse

    In this remix I took someone else’s video and played it in reverse. It sounds way different than the original version. This remix was a 3 star remix and thought it was a creative one. Not only can you remix your own work but you can also remix other people’s work.
  12. @NickSebenaler

    Hmm Movie Scenes

    Here is a picture. What doesn’t belong in this movie scene? Can you figure it out? This assignment was fun. I am getting really good at editing layers of pictures. I am now able to use this skill in many other assignments which is great!   Assignment
  13. @tmckenzierich

    Where My Shoes Take Me

    This was interesting and almost a little nerve-racking as well.  Mostly for the fact that some of my videos would not convert, but also because it was difficult remembering to whip out my camera and get a shot of my feet wherever I went.  I started out at my girlfriends place, and from there I […]
  14. @NickSebenaler

    Close Up View

    I took James Bond and superimposed him with the background of an ocean wave. That is pretty ridiculous. My inspiration for this image is of course our spy theme in the class. This assignment wasn’t as difficult as the last one. I am starting to get the hang of editing photos in gimp and using …

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  15. @NickSebenaler

    Holiday Mashup

    In this assignment I picked three holidays and mashed them together into one picture. My inspiration for this was were are nearing Easter and St. Patrick’s day just passed. And also The Fourth of July is coming up. So I wanted to celebrate all of these holidays. I have to admit this assignment was challenging. …

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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