1. @UMWdan

    Movie Mashup

    For this assignment, worth 4 stars, I had to choose 6 movie clips and stitch them together into a single video. Now it’s your turn to watch this and guess which movies/ tv shows the clips come from.   —-Spoiler Alert—- The answers in order are: Hot Fuzz Top Gun 2001 A Space Odyssey Bullitt …

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  2. @mingea

    Mash Up VIdeos

    For my second assignment, I decided to do The contest Nobody Could Win. This assignment was rated 4 stars. I decided to mash up different Melissa Mccarthy movies because I really like them, so why not. I started out with wanting to do spy movies but then I started watching all the Melissa Mccarthy trailers and … Continue reading "Mash Up VIdeos"
  3. @A_marillo

    Captain U.N.C.L.E.

    The last assignment I decided to do the assignment called Two Movies, One Line which was worth 3 and ½ stars. This assignment satisfied the 12 stars requirement of Mashup assignments. This assignment was to pick one line from two movies and combine them into one line. The hardest part was picking two movies especially […]
  4. @tmckenzierich

    Weekly Summary

    This week has been…a ball of stress for the most part.  I am grateful that these assignments were not too hard to complete and that I am a well seasoned veteran when it comes to iMovie and audio things such as these.  A lot of my assignments had a similar routine, go to youtube, download […]
  5. @tmckenzierich

    Techno Viking Remix

    This video is pretty dope by itself but this is the video that synced up the best with the Techno Viking song…which I didn’t really know was a thing until now lol.  So I had to created the original video into an mp3 and then I found this video on youtube to import into iMovie.  […]
  6. @yjangabc

    A Dog’s Life

    For this assignment, I found a clip featuring an adorable dog who seems to be quite jealous and also likes to be petted. I used iMovie to cut the part and recorded my voice over it. Enjoy! MashupAssignments, MashupAssignments1862
  7. @megancarey95

    Spy Mash Up

    For this assignment, we were supposed to put two actors together that didn’t originally appear together in a background and blend it all in to make it look believable and natural. I knew I wanted this one to be spy-themed, so I used a picture of Jude Law from the movie Spy and Daniel Craig … Continue reading Spy Mash Up
  8. @megancarey95

    Jack Bourne

    For the Movie Mashup assignment, I wanted to make it spy-themed and to mashup two spy movies. Spy movies seem to kind of run together in my head, especially movies like the Bourne series and the Jack Ryan series. This mashup mashes together Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and The Bourne Identity. The two original posters are … Continue reading Jack Bourne
  9. @mingea

    Pretty in Pink

    I decided to remix the assignment that I just did because why not, why make something new when you can just add on to it. My task was to make the assignment, prettier. Prettier in pink that is.  So I set off on the hardest task. Finding a pink spaceship. Its not easy you know. … Continue reading "Pretty in Pink"
  10. @tmckenzierich

    New Movie Poster

    Alright, lets be real.  Lisbeth is the all time bada** warrior to ever be witnessed in film.  I really liked this movie and when I found this picture on google I knew it would be the perfect fit for a different poster idea and what not.   Although the movies are completely different in nature […]
  11. @tmckenzierich

    Lip Read

    I had a little bit of difficulty when choosing which lip read to do for this but for some reason the first thing I thought of was Hey Arnold, and for the audio I chose one of my favorite movies, Interview with the Vampire.  The episode itself of Hey Arnold already has a haunting/spooky feel […]
  12. @libcal3

    Remashmix Week

    This week was mashups and remixes! Some how it felt like even more work then other weeks have been. (Maybe because it is just that crazy time in the semester.) This week all my mashups and remixes related back to spies and our class theme, focusing mainly on action in storytelling.   Daily Creates   […]
  13. @A_marillo

    My twisted Vacation Room

    For my second remix assignment, I decided to do the remix on the assignment I already done, Dream Room. However, this time I was already prepared for any challenge that it would give me. The original assignment was to create a dream room by finding pictures on Pinterest. The new twist however was: “Flip the […]
  14. @libcal3

    How to find a Agent: a book remix

    For my second remix of the week I did the Mashedup Children’s Book remixed with Turn Up the Cheese. Now I know we were supposed to try and have a remix or mashup using previous work done in the DS106 and I tried to do that. However it felt really uncomfortable when I tried it. Kinda like […]
  15. @A_marillo

    Cool Name

    Whenever I am doing an assignment, I always see the remix button but I never clicked on it. I had no clue what the remix button was and at first I thought the remix button was switching the objective with another objective in the assignment bank. So, when I finally did click on it, I […]
  16. @libcal3

    3 movies 1 poster

    My final mashup of the week was the Mashup Those Movies mashup for 3 1/2 stars. For this assignment you needed to take 3 different films and put them together in a believable movie poster. At first I started by just looking up spy movie posters to see what the general trends were and how […]
  17. @libcal3

    How to combine video

    Tutorial Time! This is a tutorial for the mashup assignment Two Movies, One Line. I am going to go step by step with images to explain one way to tackle this assignment. (Fully acknowledging that there are other programs and options at your disposal.) I am also using a Mac for this tutorial so my […]
  18. @libcal3

    A mission bond mashup

    One of the mashups I took on this week was the Two Movies, One Line for 3 1/2 stars. I was excited by this one because it had a cool premise about combining different films. (Also I knew the person who originally put out the assignment so I thought it’d be fun to try it […]
  19. @A_marillo

    102 Dalmatians Tutorial

      This assignment This Doesn’t belong Here instructs to mash up two iconic movie scenes. This post will help you to do just that. The first thing to do is to pick the two movies scenes that you want to mash-up. I chose the Bandersnatch in Alice in Wonderland and the scene from the 101 […]
  20. @A_marillo

    102 Dalmatians?

    The next assignment I choose to do was the assignment called This doesn’t belong here which was worth 4 stars. This assignment was to mash-up two different iconic movie scenes by adding something like for example a movie prop to another movie scene. I decided use Alice and Wonderland and 101 Dalmatians as my two […]
  21. @tmckenzierich

    Inappropriate Laughter

    I got this clip from Skyfall and I couldn’t think of a better clip to mashup with an inappropriate laughter sequence. So first I had to download this clip as an mp4 and I left it on my desktop so I could just drag it straight into iMovie.  From there I just edited the clip […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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