1. natalie

    On the Star Clipper – part II

    Chapter III from the book DESTINATION DESIRABLE Jules was busy conversing with Nia, and Walt asked Lulu if she would like to join Paula and him for a drink at the Piano bar. A chilled version of the song “Killing me softly” was playing. Danny was already sitting at a table, so the three sat next… Continue reading On the Star Clipper – part II
  2. natalie

    On the Star Clipper – part I

    Chapter III from the book DESTINATION DESIRABLE With the tour guide’s excellent advice, the three finally arrived safely at the port in Laem Chabang after a four-hour ride with a private coach. They stood in front of the Star Clipper. A vast white sailing yacht with a decoration in the spirit of maritime tradition. “Wow, this… Continue reading On the Star Clipper – part I
  3. @mellis_5

    Wrap up

    This semester in ds106 was nothing like I thought it was going to be. I’m not sure what I was expecting or even what digital storytelling was exactly, but boy do I know now. It’s using all forms of media as a way to creatively tell a story, these mediums, sounds, videos, effects, etc.. all… Continue reading Wrap up
  4. @incbesh

    VideoPress, Take 3

    We promised you “more is coming” in our latest update—and now more is here. More features that make the finest video service for WordPress even more powerful. You can upload more content with less effort, reach more audiences, and keep sharing more of what inspires you. In this video, we’ll …
  5. natalie

    Bangkok 24 h

    Chapter II from the book DESTINATION DESIRABLE Twenty-four hours later, including an almost twelve-hour flight, Paula and Walt already spent the first impressive hours in Bangkok. They had kicked off the afternoon in the infinity pool surrounded by floating candles, champagne, and a sweeping view over Bangkok. In the evening, they followed the invitation by… Continue reading Bangkok 24 h
  6. natalie

    Leaving London

    Chapter I from the book DESTINATION DESIRABLE Paula was looking at the picture displaying her and her boyfriend Walt. The afternoon at a friend’s home in Beirut in 2015 when a friend took a photograph, the weekend they had met for the first time. Paula was working as Social Worker in the Lebanon, and Walt… Continue reading Leaving London
  7. @mellis_5

    Daily Create

  8. @mellis_5

    Weekly Summary

    When I think about Mashups and remixes I soo vividly remember mashup tv episodes where characters from other shows would come onto another show (usually from the same network) and those were always the best, most exciting episodes. I also think about Glee and how that show would create some amazing mashups and how they… Continue reading Weekly Summary
  9. @mellis_5

    2 Remixes

     Animoji Karaoke…REMIX. The original assignment was to create an animoji lip singing but after the remix I had to incorporate the color pink. So instead of doing my usual animoji (a monkey) I went with a pink pig. I chose call me maybe because it was a favorite when I was little and it’s stuck… Continue reading 2 Remixes
  10. @mellis_5

    Mashup Assignments

    photo mash  #MashupAssignments #MashupAssignments2037 These assignments were really fun and I love that I got to put my photoshop skills to the test. The one I’m most proud of is the famous breakfast club scene with the snitch flying by him. I thought it looked so real and I really impressed myself with it. As… Continue reading Mashup Assignments
  11. amiddlet50

    Ritual in the learning environment

    In this post I explore what is meant by ritual in relation to the teaching and learning experience and, as we reset our post-pandemic classrooms, why we should care. Given that there is little obligation to care, beyond a notion … Continue reading ?
  12. @mellis_5

    project ideas

    Here is a list of what we brainstormed! family feud type show game show of sorts (we really though about this and didn’t think we would be able to use editing and directing as a ay to invoke emotion and showing emotion/ making viewers feel something would be difficult with a game show) Mystery- big… Continue reading project ideas
  13. @mellis_5

    weekly summary

    This week I got together with Annie Grace and Jack Henry to discuss our movie we decided to create together. It was so much fun getting to collaborate with them again. We sat down and brainstormed what we wanted out movie to look like and we went with a murder mystery that my roommate so… Continue reading weekly summary
  14. @mellis_5

    Movie trailer

    Making this was so much fun! First we sat down and planned a plot and a script then starred thinking about what we wanted our film to look like through a trailer. we went with a mystery because we thought it would be the most fun to create because of ...
  15. trubright

    My Brush with Task Specific Dystonia


    The Glitch Task specific dystonia or focal dystonia is a condition so feared among performing artists that it is rarely spoken of. That is because it has been a career ender for many accomplished musicians. It is a neurological problem that is only dimly understood but is most commonly triggered by over practicing coupled with […]

    The post My Brush with Task Specific Dystonia appeared first on Rubright.com.

  16. @Sheefa_ahmed

    WordPress.com Favorites: Empish Thomas

    Welcome back to our “WordPress.com Favorites” series! In these interviews, we’ll be highlighting bloggers about their passion project. Caution: contents guaranteed to be inspiring. This interview has been lightly edited.     Shortly after Empish Thomas earned her journalism degree in the mid-’90s, she began experiencing severe headaches and sensitivity to light. After …

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

Student Blogs

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