1. @effyuwawa

    My photo journey.

    I’ve always been a fan of photography. I even have a few DSLR and film cameras. I used to take strolls around town or my neighborhood and just snap cool photos of things I saw. Now my photo collection is mainly selfies and pictures of my family. I used to be very passionate about photography, […]
  2. @hrashhDS106

    Weekly Summary: WEEK FOUR

    Week four has been a little challenging; however, I enjoyed the challenges at the same time. Over the years, I am loosing my photography skills, and I cancelled my Adobe Creative Cloud membership. So, the assignments this week motivated me to get back into some of the things I used to do! I am thinking to take a photography class […]
  3. @effyuwawa

    So far…

    @ds106dc #tdc3322 #ds106 the good ol burg pic.twitter.com/5xVCubXjCp— Che. ; (@EffyuWawa) February 15, 2021 @ds106dc #tdc3323 #ds106 my daily contribution to creativity pic.twitter.com/1DvZ8Hh1Rk— Che. ; (@EffyuWawa) February 17, 2021
  4. @mto_morgan

    Photo Blitz

    Here are the tasks: 1.) Take a photo of an object that represents how old you feel. 2.) Play with contrasting scale: juxtapose something small with something big! 3.) Includes a “finished product” and at least one of its “raw materials”. 4.) Your favorite color. 5.) Wood has a lot of character and variety. A photo of something wooden. 6.)Take […]
  5. @virgonarrie


    Take an extreme close-up of an easily recognizable, common object. If only shoes could talk. Tell their story in a photo, either on or off someone. Two contrasting things, e.g. light & darkness, life & death, cats & dogs. Take a creative photo without aiming in the viewfinder Make a photo that represents the passage …
  6. @hrashhDS106

    Week Four Assignment Bank: Capturing The Power Of Editing!

    This week one of the assignments we were given was to choose assignments from the “Visual Assignments” section in the assignment bank. All of the assignments combined have to have a total of twelve stars. The assignments I chose were “The Life Of A Superhero” (2 stars), “Colorize It” (3 stars), “ComboPhoto” (3 stars), and “Design To Shock” (4 stars). […]
  7. @mto_morgan

    My Experience in Photography

    My experience in photography mainly comes from using my phone. I do have a crop sensor DSLR, but I have not had the inspiration to use it a whole lot. I personally love to take photos of the landscape. More specifically, I like taking pictures of the mountains. I love to go hiking so the photography aspect plays in nicely. […]
  8. @RMdigitally

    My Photos :)

    So, as I stated before, I am not great behind a camera. I just don’t really have an eye for it. After doing our reading for this week, I scrolled through my camera roll for a little while and looked for some pictures that show off some of the points from that post. These are…

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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