1. ajaweston

    Design Project: Comic Book Effect

    This photo originally began as:I took it over Spring Break when my boyfriend found a dead horse shoe crab along the coast of the Atlatnic Ocean. I always thought horse shoe crabs were pretty strange looking, so I figured it would be perfect to disguise...
  2. eitantal

    A Week In Review 3/17/-3/24

    CC Andrew GainerThis week saw the conclusion of the Audio section and the introduction to the Visual section. The audio section was fun as I thoroughly enjoyed producing both audio pieces. I think I was able to make the assignments funny and ...
  3. eitantal

    “How Images Think” Response

    CC Dennis SmithRon Burnett claims that "images are mediators between all the different layers of what are increasingly complex image-worlds.". I think what Burnett is trying to say is that images are what link our thoughts to real objects/places/events...
  4. kcharlew

    Weekly Summary

    This week has been a segway from Audio to Design. Similar to like every transition week I have my worries. First, I don’t know what the formal meaning of design is..Yes, this is awkward. Secondly, I have no idea how to use … Continue reading
  5. tpcm

    I M A G E S

    Flickr user polapixThis...article? Book? Essay? Excerpt? I couldn't really tell what it was, but judging from the chapters I'm guessing it is a book of sorts. Anyways, I really enjoyed it. Mostly because it tells exactly what it describes - images.I re...
  6. arianaln

    Week Review

    This week I did the following: Design Project 1, Design Project 2 Response to “Images” by Robert Hass I am really excited for this visual unit because I love photography, especially when it involves editing and design. I have always wanted to get into graphic design and I feel like with this unit I will finally ...
  7. bsosnik

    Weekly Summary

    It’s one of those transition weeks, the segway from the Audio section to Design. Coming into audio I wasn’t really sure what to think.  After our first few class discussions about our lack of listening to radio and audio pieces, I didn’t know how well the section would go and even how much I would ...
  8. bsosnik

    Design Daily Create

    Stop Sign on a One Way Street I began with a picture I took outside my house at the end of the street of a Stop Sign and One Way Sign. I followed Brian’s tutorial to some extent for the rest, since Gimp is a fairly new application to me. Next I used a Gausian ...
  9. bsosnik

    The 2013 Cartoon Tournament

    In honor of March Madness, what is your favorite cartoon? So to begin, I found a website that allowed me to create the bracket with all the names of the cartoons.  From there I went to the print screen and took a screenshot of the bracket.  I then went to the CBS Sports website and ...
  10. bsosnik

    Response – How Images Think

    How Images Think was a very interesting read and provided a unique perspective about how images can, are and should be interpreted.  I found the beginning of Chapter 1, Vantage Point and Image-Worlds very relatable.  The references to the news and technology seemed spot on, especially in relation to everyday life.  If you take a minute ...
  11. arianaln

    Design Project Bad Photo

    First I edited the coloring of the image in iphoto. I went to effects and then put the Antique effect on level 7 and fade on level 1. From there, I used Gimp to add the text. I clicked on the text tool and dragged in a text box, typing in my caption. Then I ...
  12. arianaln

    Design Project 2

      On befunky.com I uploaded my photo and selected effects on the left side on the page. Then I selected Holgaart and chose Holgaart 4 out of the two options. From there, I adjusted the superimposed clone image until I was satisfied with its posi...
  13. bridghi

    Extra Design Create

    I couldn't come up with an "interesting" topic for my second design create of the week, so I turned to the ds106 page to look at their visuals. Since this was on there (and one of our design create options) and reminded me of reading the comic strips i...
  14. ajaweston

    Response to “Images” by Robert Hass

    CC Flickr Brun-oAfter reading the article, I am left with a couple questions:Was the reading supposed to be an introduction to the design section? I don't see how the article related to design at all. Perhaps it's more abstractly related to design? It'...
  15. eitantal

    Visual: Troll Quote

    As soon as Brian showed us the 'troll quote' I knew I wanted to do one of my own. The hardest part of this was coming up with a clever 3-way misquote. I decided on Abraham Lincoln vs. Daniel Day Lewis Vs. Paul Revere. Abraham Lincoln sitting is one of ...
  16. eitantal

    Visual Create # 1

    "Pick A Bad Photo, Apply A Vintage Effect And Write Something In Helvetica"Searching through my phone pictures I found this gem I took over spring break in a canyon near my house. To give the vintage feel I started by going to 'filters' and setting the...
  17. bridghi

    Design Create #1

    Pick a bad photo, apply a vintage effect, and write something in Helvectica.I chose this photo to edit, and I used GIMP to do so.This photo is just a horrible, blurry picture I snapped of my roommate walking home one night. Applying the filters was pre...
  18. pborisov

    A Game of Deadlines: A Look Back On Audio

    This is not a good week. Like the Starks, I’m navigating a treacherous landscape. Exams. Two other big projects. A show at the end of the week. And I made a big, big mistake: I trusted my equipment not fail. So naturally, it did. Between the rush and the deadlines, I got this done: I’m ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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